


维姆·博塔的“棱镜10”,一个独立的青铜雕塑大约82英寸高,现在呈现在萨凡纳艺术与设计学院博物馆,最初表现在史蒂文森,开普敦。灵感来自希腊雕塑的Laocoon和His Sons,这个伟大的青铜雕塑被雕刻在1506,和今天的“棱镜10”是在著名的梵蒂冈[ vativan市展出,正式梵蒂冈城国是一个封闭的飞地罗马全市范围内。


“Prism 10” by Wim Botha, a free-standing bronze sculpture almost 82 inches tall, now exhibit in the Museum of Savannah College of Art and Design, was originally displayed in Stevenson, Cape Town. Inspired by the Greek sculpture Laocoon and His Sons, this great bronze sculpture was carved in 1506, and today “Prism 10” is exhibited in the famous city of Vatican[ Vativan City, Officially Vatican City State is a walled enclave within the city of Rome.
]. For carving this sculpture, Botha photographed and taped the dimensions of the Greek statue. After visited the Vatican Museums in 2003, He decided to approach a great work with expressive carving elements. He decided to portray the dignitary of Trojan priest Laocoon and his two sons being attacked by sea serpents into abstracted and gestural forms soon after Botha acquired the creature carving skill. At this point, Botha’s purpose seems not only simply transferring the forms from realistic to abstractive, but also trying to challenge some sense of lost authenticity which had been a lost cause.
The statue is in excellent condition, the faces of the Laocoon and his sons are abstracted into a loose form, and suggesting all covered by waving water or clothes. For a moment, you can hear the Laocoon and his two sons are screaming under the covering, struggling and trying to pushing off the sea serpents on their bodies. Botha is very smart. He knew that if he didn’t cover the faces of Laocoon and his sons, it may lose and limited the viewers’ imagination.
The figures do not appear to have arms, or suggesting that it may also cover by their clothes, though winglike forms from the top part seem to emerge the rippling back. However, these protrusions are not necessarily even a part of the figure itself, for example, the repetition with many pointed irregular geometric shapes are nonsense. However, since Botha sculpted both the figures and its immediate environment, it may lead the viewer remind an Italian artist: Umberto Boccioni.