



Marks & Spencer的目前的市场地位
品牌,已被选为本文的完成是Marks & Spencer。这个特殊的品牌之所以被选择是因为它一直面临着持续时间长的不幸。玛莎已经被确定为英国最古老的组织。品牌的名声是通过提供负担得起的基础上建立的组织及各种高质量和高质量的产品和食品(卡特2005)。一个重要的问题,应该面临的运动是选择的类型,促进销售,以便使用。如上所述的技术有很多,所选择的技术是广告。作为广告的来源,还有一些其他的选择,以及可以使用。这些包括钱,奖金包,保费金额,忠诚卡,通过价格促销,以及更多。销售的比例应该是相当大的,考虑到包括价格折扣,折扣,免费商品和竞争在内的交易。


This should be done with respect to the fact that there is complete avoidance within the wastage of valuable resources of the organization along with the efforts that are being put in for the development of the campaign of integrated marketing communications. Hence, the planning and evaluation should be done in an appropriate manner (Cane 2005). There are a number of stages that are involved within this particular stage.
This particular process shall begin by considering the overall strategy of marketing being followed by the organization, the strategy for positioning itself and the audiences being targeted. There is a need for setting out the goals and objectives in the most appropriate manner that shall contribute in increasing the level of sales. Only after the completion of the stages, the company should start considering the message that has been decided. There is also a need for the consideration of an appropriate budget with respect to the needs of the campaign that shall be used till the final point. Finally, the strategy that has been chosen for the purpose of this paper is advertising (Cane 2005). Advertising is referred to as any form of communication that is paid as well as non- personal with respect to a certain product or an idea within the primary sources of media such as radio, cinema, posters, press and television.
Current Market Position of Marks &Spencer
The brand that has been chosen for the completion of this paper is Marks & Spencer. This particular brand has been chosen due to the fact that it has been facing duration of misfortunes since a long duration of time. Marks & Spencers has been identified as the most venerable organization in the United Kingdom. The reputation of the brand had been built by the organization on the basis of provision of affordable apparels with high quality and products of food with high quality as well (Carter 2005). One significant issue that shall be faced within the campaign is the selection of the type for the promotion of sales in order to be used. There are wide number of techniques as stated above and the chosen technique is advertisement. As a source of advertisement, there are a number of other options as well that can be used. These include money, packs of bonus, amounts of premium, loyalty cards, promotion through price, and many more. There proportion of the sales being done should be sizeable as in consideration with the trade that shall be including discounts of price, allowances, free goods and competitions.