






Marketing is an important concept which drives the entire business environment. Any organisation which is engaged in manufacturing or delivery of products and services can understand the importance of marketing. Many people can assume marketing as a process of advertising, branding, distribution and design, creating desires, selling a lifestyle, or creation of wealth and jobs. These assumptions can be partially true, whereas at the same time many of these assumptions about marketing can be incorrect as well (Hackley, 2009).


Process of marketing for an organisation can be defined as a science of understanding market dynamics, and accordingly positioning the product or service to target the customer base. Marketing can also be defined as science of satisfying customer needs and wants, including creation of customer, and ultimately, for many organisation marketing is art of selling things that are not necessary to people who do not need them, for example selling a comb to bald person. It can be said that process of marketing is combination of all the above mentioned aspects, where customer plays the central role and to a large extent defines the marketing behaviour of an organisation. Historically, concept of marketing gathered pace after rapid economic growth since 1950’s onwards when USA and Europe focused their attention towards concept of excess production. Thus, in order to sell the excess concept of marketing played an important part as it helped in creating the demand and a potential customer base which companies can target.