


General Atlantic认为,通过在巴西的关键时期投资,该公司主要专注于通过高风险押注来创造财富。该公司在前面辩称,它利用自己的政治关系和影响力,进一步推动其投资。它还认为,它可能没有履行其社会责任要求的义务。它自夸拥有“耐心资本”(Generalatlantic.com, 2016),这通常意味着在其网站上长期运作,并拥有一个协作团队进行所有投资。有人可能会反驳道,通用大西洋航空正利用其政治实力和人脉,推动其在巴西看似关键的投资,并将其定性为机会主义。它还可能发现,它没有利用其为巴西人民创造福利的CSR政策,而只是追逐产生现金的公司。

最后,有人反驳说,长期投资的资本最终将更多地留在中国,并可能随时受到国内风险的影响。该公司用行业投资驳斥了这些说法。药店的投资被看作是向城市和农村社区提供药品的一种支持。这是一种社会福利,也是企业社会责任战略的一部分,支持企业获得医疗保健的基本要求(Mujih, 2012)。经纪投资被视为市场驱动因素,随着股市再次下跌,有巨大的机会通过适当的评估进行再投资,这最终将帮助他们投资的公司更快增长(Fryzel, 2011)。这反过来又被视为是对经济复苏的支持。


General Atlantic argues to be primarily focused on wealth creation with risky bets by investing at critical times in Brazil. It argues ahead that it uses its political connection and influence to push its investment further. It also argues that it may not fulfil its social obligations of CSR requirements. It boasts about the possession of ‘patient capital’ (Generalatlantic.com, 2016), usually meant for long term play in its website and having a collaborative team for all its investments. It may be counter argued that General Atlantic is using its political might and connection to push its critical looking investments in Brazil and term it as opportunistic in nature. It also may be found that it is not using its CSR policy of creating benefits for the people of Brazil and only seen to chasing cash generating companies.

It is lastly counter argued that the capital being for the long haul will end up staying more in the country and may be susceptible to domestic risks that may arise anytime. It rebuts these claims with its sector investment. Drugstore investment is seen as a support to bring access to drugs to urban and rural communities. This is one kind of social benefit and a part of their CSR strategy of supporting them to have access to principle requirements of healthcare (Mujih, 2012). Brokerage investments is seen as the market driver and with the stock market down again, there lies tremendous opportunity to reinvest with proper assessment, which will eventually help their investee company grow faster (Fryzel, 2011). This in turn is seen as supporting the economy in its attempt to revival.