





The Contract Theory is that enterprises a ‘link to a series of contracts’. Causes of incomplete contracts exist, one is bounded rationality that person’s rational and thinking are limited, future events and the external environment cannot be fully anticipated. Second, it is transaction costs that predict the future to predict and measure written contract, and to ensure that you can perform. These are the existence of transaction costs. In this case, the parties are willing to miss a lot of contents, or intentionally left waiting re-negotiation when an event occurs later.

Coase (1937) considered under the assumption of zero transaction costs, information collection of contract,negotiations, signed and fulfilment do not take the cost of the contract. The parties that can take all the details are not taken into account written into the terms of the contract. So there will be no distribution conflict of interest after the event. However, in the real economic life, the transaction costs are ubiquitous and expensive. High transaction costs make many relevant terms of the contract shelved, because they make contractual arrangements that would certainly mess up costs outweighing benefits.