


立法机构:禁止促销烟草和烟草制品将导致其选民的尊重,因为这一措施将有助于保护他们的孩子免受这一致命恶习的伤害。烟草游说团体:禁止促销烟草和烟草产品将影响产品的销售和公司的增长(吸烟与健康行动,2015)。它们反过来又会影响对宣传、赞助和社会事业的贡献。英国公民:公民,特别是父母不必感受到广告对他们年幼的孩子的影响(吸烟与健康行动,2013年)。结论:如上所述,禁止促销烟草产品对销售的影响将体现在经济的各个方面。最主要的影响将是公共财政用于履行各种社会、法律和法定承诺的资金(Stokman & van Assen, 1999)。

为此目的,需要确定新的收入来源。直系亲属和家庭朋友往往通过提供或介绍年幼的儿童(高达69%)吸烟的习惯来鼓励吸烟(Cain, 2014),而研究证明,禁烟令已导致吸烟人数显著下降。随着吸烟副作用意识的传播,吸烟者人数下降了30% (Cain, 2014)。预防胜于治疗。自从儿童时期被认为是人们开始养成这种习惯的时候,禁止促销就是为了控制广告对这一人群的影响。结论:文化对烟草促销禁令的影响在控制烟草成瘾方面发挥了重要作用,尤其是在该国青少年中。十几岁的女孩把吸烟和成为领导者联系在一起。吸烟被认为是“已经到来”,并成为化妆和短裙的一部分(Cain, 2014)。


The legislatures: Banning the promotion Tobacco and tobacco products would lead to respect from their constituency, since this measure would help protect their children from this deadly vice. The tobacco lobby: Banning the promotion of tobacco and tobacco products would affect sales of the products and the growth of the companies (Action on Smoking and Health , 2015). They would in turn affect the contribution to campaigning, sponsorships and contribution to social causes. Citizens of the UK: The citizens, particularly parents would not have to feel the impact of the advertising on their young children (Action on smoking and health, 2013). Conclusion: The impact on sales due to the ban on promotion of tobacco products would be felt in various aspects of the economy as highlighted above. The primary influence would be on the money available with the public exchequer for meeting various social, legal and statutory commitments (Stokman & van Assen, 1999).

New revenue sources need to be identified for this purpose. Immediate family and family friends tend to encourage smoking by supplying or introducing young children ( a whopping 69 percent) to the habit (Cain, 2014)While studies prove that the ban on promotion has led to a significant fall in the number of smokers. As the awareness of the side effects of smoking spread, the fall in the number of smokers is 30 percent (Cain, 2014). Prevention is better than cure. Since childhood has been identified as the time when individuals are initiated into this habit, the ban on promotion is an attempt to control the influence of advertising on this demographic.Conclusion: The cultural impact on the ban on tobacco promotion has played significant role in controlling addiction to the products particularly among the youth of the country.Teenage girls associate smoking with being the leaders. Smoking was signified as ‘having arrived’ and went as part the image of wearing makeup and short skirts (Cain, 2014) .