


If we compare the two works they differ in the way they have been implicated. The design of the frescos symbolized the real life of the Christ while the other work symbolized the Church with a virgin lady. The monument design was concentrated on the Christ and was trying to reveal the painful expressions of the Christ and the other saints (Merback, Mitchell, 2012). The second painting has been concentrating on the personification of the lady and the monument painting is related to the remorseful situation that the Christ has to face. The impact of the monument painting may be large on the people as they view it on a broader perspective in comparison to the other one.

Each and every form of art be it monument or the document has its own charm and elegance. This is because each of the art form has its specialty. While the monument art attracts the people from a broader perspective the document creates a greater detail of the art capturing each and every minute detail. The creation of the monument art based on the themes of the bible was a masterpiece and so the great painting by Jan. 7.

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