


The methods of achieving customer satisfaction are ample, and they may not be all useful in case of Woolworths because its position is something more different than the one used in the research. There is a broad consensus about understanding the customers’ idea and quality and try and perceive the same in order to be aligned with their expectations and thus deliver what is most expected in the current situation. It must overturn the current situation by getting customer oriented and keeping in mind their expectations and perception about quality to be able to deliver the same. When customers are satisfied, they will be tempted to be loyal and when the same procedures of satisfaction gets repetitive, there are high chances for the customer to turn loyal for a significant length of time.

The literature will be selective and will include those that has ample information and details about the remedial action that is considered best during such situations and saves the company from failure. The majority of literature used will be journals, books, and conference proceedings. The literature gathered will support in identifying the necessary actions that is possible for Woolworths to arrest the decline and make a comeback to regain its superior position.

In addition, the processes and the implementation procedures have also been recommended to be directly linked with the way in which the customers perceive the quality of service. This is why Woolworths is recommended to immediately turnaround the procedures it employs and make it more customer oriented so that it is at least able to retain some loyal customers, acquire new ones, and arrest the steep decline in sales volumes. Overall, Woolworths must start to consider customer satisfaction as the sole end result of all their strategies and actions, reorient it in all the previous processes, practice to be able to stop the declining sales and regain its customer loyalty with customer satisfaction.

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