


考虑到选择的第一个案例,一名黑人女警官因其性别和种族而受到伦敦警察厅的歧视。在一项判决中发现卡罗尔•霍华德(Carol Howard)成为袭击目标,并被单独挑出至少一年之后,英国最大的军队面临赔偿要求。2014年,伦敦就业问题中央法庭(Central Tribunal of London Employment)提出了歧视主张。有问题的判断面板说明遇到警察直接歧视女性黑交付基于种族和性别之间的1月31日,2012年10月29日,2012年,因此,学院被指控严重损害和伤害感情。考虑到第二个例子,1999年发表的Macpherson报告被认为是英国种族关系的决定性时刻。该报告进一步导致警方在调查一名黑人少年谋杀案时展开调查。1993年,这名少年在伦敦南部等公交车时被无端袭击致死(Bell, 2011)。在大都会警察局负责此案的过程中,有关种族主义和警察无能的指控恶化了两国在种族主义问题上的关系。

尽管英国的宽容和自由传统是基于政治的,但英国因长期存在基于残疾、性取向、性别、宗教、种族和年龄的歧视和不平等而闻名(Hand, 2012)。然而,对这些形式的歧视的认识一直与不平等有关,历史学家可以为理解推动或抑制歧视的因素作出重大贡献。第一次有效的进步出现在1945年之后的持久繁荣时期,导致了一个更加开放、不那么顺从和更加自信的国家(Edward, 1992)。以前被认为是与慈善问题有关的最佳对象,在最坏的情况下被迫害和定罪的团体,开始为自己说话和组织起来。在英国成功加入欧共体后,这些弱势群体获得了利用欧洲人权法院挑战英国立法的能力,并在1997年之后的新工党政府中迎来了促进平等的不同改革时代。然而,在法律保护方面取得进展并没有直接转化为政治、文化和社会平等。其中一个主要的阻碍因素是关于偏见和敌意的持续存在,与媒体相关的某些部分反映并加强了这种偏见和敌意(Lane, 2013)。


Considering the first case selected, a black female officer was discriminated by the Metropolitan Police due to her sex and race. The largest force of Britain faced a claim for compensating Carol Howard after it was found in a judgment that she was targeted and singled out for a year at least. The claim of discrimination was introduced at the Central Tribunal of London Employment in the year 2014. There was issue of judgment by the panel stating that the Met police delivered direct discrimination against the female black officer based on race and sex between the period of 31st January, 2012 and 29th October, 2012, and hence, the institute has been charged for aggravated damages and injury to feelings. Considering the second case example, the Macpherson report published in the year 1999 is considered as a defining moment in race relations of Britain. The report further resulted in an inquiry within the investigation of Met police on the murder case of a black teenager. The teenager was stabbed fatally as a result of an unprovoked attack while waiting for a bus in South London in the year 1993 (Bell, 2011). Allegations of racism and incompetence against the officers of Met police soured relations in issues of racism as it was in charge of the case.

Irrespective of the politics-based rhetoric regarding the traditions of tolerance and liberty in Britain, the UK is known for having a long history of discrimination and inequality on the basis of disability, sexual orientation, gender, religion, race, and age (Hand, 2012). However, awareness regarding discrimination in these forms has been involved with unevenness and historians can make significant contribution to understand the factors driving it ahead or inhibiting. The first effective advancement came in the lasting era of prosperity after the year 1945, leading towards a more open-minded, less deferential and more confident nation (Edward, 1992). Groups that were previously known to be best objects related to philanthropic issue, and at worst persecuted and criminalized, began to speak and organize for themselves. After Britain was successful in joining the European Community, these underprivileged groups gained the ability of using the Court of Human Rights, Europe for challenging the legislation of UK, culminated in a different era of reforms to promote equality within a new labour government after the year 1997. However, progressing in lawful protection does not have a direct translation of political, cultural and social equality. One of the main inhibitors was regarding the persistence of prejudice and hostility, reflected and reinforced by certain sections related to the media (Lane, 2013).