




Baby, or infant, formula is basically a manufactured product which acts as a replacement for the breast milk. Baby milk is often sold in form of powder or liquid concentrate which is further diluted with water to be fed through the milk bottles. Asia is considered to be one of the biggest market for baby milk powder product, this can be estimated by the fact that Asian market represents 53% of the global market share. In this regard, Hong Kong market is also considered to be one of the major consumers of the baby milk powder. In recent years, shortage of baby milk powder product has resulted into imposition of restriction on how much of this product can be taken out of region and to mainland China. Recent scandal of baby milk powder product in mainland China, where melamine was found in the baby milk formula has resulted into shortage of product in Hong Kong, since major amount of baby milk powder has been exported to mainland China.
Over a period of time, consumption of baby milk powder product has increased significantly. There can be multiple reasons behind this trend, but it is also important to analyse the consumer behaviour of the end customer in Hong Kong. It is essential to understand the behaviour, as it will enable the companies which are involved in selling of this product in Hong Kong to customize their offering , and according decide the pricing and promotion strategy. Purpose of this dissertation is to critically analyse the consumer behaviour and overall market culture which impacts the decision making process of a consumer before purchasing a baby milk powder product. Consumer behaviour often includes study of individuals, or groups so that their basic psychology behind buying a specific product can be analysed. This dissertation will also focus on same aspect. It will analyse various cultural and social aspects which might be impacting an individual’s decision related to buying the baby milk powder product.