



考虑到这篇文章,有一项有关混淆的相关原因,即“悉尼学校”一词的使用有不一致之处,在那里有一群年轻的澳大利亚建筑师(Fung 1985)。这些建筑师是所谓的在目标和情感上分享统一的人。有时,这指的是建筑或一群建筑师的运动,一种特定的建筑或浪漫的方法(Fung 1985)。此人名叫米洛丹菲似乎是第一个作家提供建议与悉尼的学校存在于一个简短的文章被发表在1962年,认为这是一个点相关的指示成熟度阶段在澳大利亚的架构。

然而,正如文章中所规定的,在读者面前并没有出现这种情况。重要的观点被忽视了,而提供插图的选择是错误的。5年之后,Dunphythat在悉尼内部提供了许多不同的建筑师的建议,可能很快就会被认为是悉尼学派(Fung 1985)。也有罗宾·博伊德的作品,与悉尼学派形成鲜明对比的是,在悉尼的边界内,有一些关于工艺风格或民间风格的新观点。与Dunphy所描述的相比,已经有了管理方面的更严格的管理。


The description provided in this particular article focuses on the Nuts and Berries School or the Sydney School. Even though there had been no general form of agreement considering whether there had ever been any existence of Sydney School or not and what were the related to characteristics. No ending point can be seen for this particular discussion. This paper has made several attempts for the demonstration of those who are alleged for existence that provides an implication on the attitudes being followed by the writers who were previously known for tackling this particular issue and unleashing much contention and confusion.

In consideration with this particular article, there is an involvement of one relevant cause related to confusion where there is inconsistency in the utilization of the term “Sydney School” where there is a group of young architects of Australia (Fung 1985). These architects had been the ones alleged for having shared a unity related to aim and sentiment. This at times, refers to the fact that a movement of architecture or a group of architects, a specific type of architecture or a romantic approach (Fung 1985). Milo Dunphy seems to be the very first writer to provide suggestions related to the fact that the Sydney School existed in a brief article that had been published in the year 1962 that considered it as a point of indication related to the stage of maturity in the architecture of Australia.

However, as specified within the article, there had been no presentation of this case in front of the readers. Important points had been neglected and the choices made for providing illustrations had been wrong. After five years when suggestions had been provided by Dunphythat a number of different group of architects within Sydney, may soon be considered as the school of Sydney (Fung 1985). There have been proceedings of Robin Boyd as well, in contrast with the Sydney School as there had been a rise in a number of new points regarding the style of craft or the style of folksy within the borders of Sydney. There had been management done for being more firm in comparison with what had been stated by Dunphy.