

澳洲论文代写-嘻哈女权主义这篇强调嘻哈音乐,女权主义,以及在考虑世界发达国家的情况下情景如何的文章,提出自己的观点和理解。这篇研究论文的题目是Kelly Berggren在2014年写的《瑞典嘻哈女权主义:交叉性、女权主义批判和女性阳刚之气》。如果我们分析不同的嘻哈音乐视频,一个非常常见的相似之处是,男性说唱歌手通常穿着休闲的衣服,比如运动夹克、牛仔裤和T恤等,搭配大量的垃圾珠宝、钻石、颈部饰品和其他石头制品。这些饶舌歌手表现出了这种传统,他们希望在成为这种音乐类型的一部分的同时保持自己的刻板印象。大多数这类音乐视频都强调了财富和时髦或运动的重要性。生活的幸福直接用说唱歌手所穿的昂贵的衣服和珠宝来衡量。

Hip hop has been classified as a genre which is mostly dominated by the black men. The racial discrimination has always been very evident in majority of the countries across the globe. The black population is always looked down upon by the whites and the whites and non-white’s disparity exists in most places. In countries across the globe, this arena of music still remains a challenge for the women to be a part as the male counterparts consider themselves to be better and smarter than the females. They look down upon the females and consider them mostly as slaves or prostitutes who are supposed to obey whatever the males tell them. Black men and masculine gender are integral parts of this genre. In the arena of US, hip hop feminism is fundamentally associated with gender differences and sexuality. In US, the various researchers working in the field have pointed that the hip hop music is often associated with black men and political system. There is a lot of gender bias and racial discrimination.
This has been well explained in the musical lyrics as given by the hip hoppers. The reason why Sweden has been selected for the current study is due to the fact that Sweden is, otherwise, a very balanced country where both the genders are treated equally. There is a lot of respect with regard to the presence of multiple races and ethnicities, however, while talking about music belonging to hip hop genre, there are a lot of disparities. Since there is no vital and conclusive research regarding the same for European nations, the present research tries to address those gaps and understand this kind of challenges and situations being faced by the womenfolk who want to establish themselves in this field. If we listen to the lyrics as given by Heli, the subject revolves around black men and refers to their masculinity. The hip hop subject, in fact, is so much male dominated that the presence of a white female artist is often referred as a paradox. The masculinity of these men is so obvious in this genre that the females actually have a tough time negotiating about it.
In the pictures attached, one might get a feel that the lighting is mostly neutral or in some scenarios, they are well lit in order to show the power of a particular character as represented in the song. In the first picture, it shows a club like scene with lots of cars in the background, while the second image is somewhere in the warehouse with the headlights switched on. The lyrics of hip hop holds importance where it is mostly sung as a display of power and physical strength by the males. While the female rappers and their lyrics, especially deal with gender bias, fight for equality and various discriminations faced by them, but in spite of this, the world still turns a blind eye towards the apathy faced by them.

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