


长期影响中国对经济和健康状况的饥荒幸存者的1959 – 1961年用差异功能于不同的方法。幸存者的饥荒导致一些严重的经济和健康的影响,尤其是对儿童早期的人在饥荒的时候。本文得出的结论是,如果饥荒就不会发生,那么在1959年出生的人可能已经在他们的成年生活约3.03厘米高。

在人类历史上中国的饥荒的1959 – 1961年是人类历史上最严重的饥荒。大约有3000万推迟或失去出生,大约有15 – 30百万顺差死亡(姚明,1999)。不是许多研究人员已达到经济长期健康影响和关于这些后果的严重性是鲜为人知的。

在1959 – 1961年的三年时间内,饥荒的一个巨大的人口营养不良。启示饥荒救灾疾病和营养不良有害地影响了幸存者的健康。在成年健康负面的后果可能会导致负面的经济效益。


The long-term impacts of the China’s famine on the economic and health position in the years 1959-1961 of the survivors by using the difference-in-differences method in this paper. For the survivors of the famines led to some serious economic and health impacts, especially for the people who were in the early on childhood at the time of famine. The paper has concluded that if the famine would not have occurred then people born in the year 1959 might have grown about 3.03cm taller in their adult life.

In the human history China’s famine of 1959-1961 is one of the nastiest famines in the human history. There were about 30 million postponed or lost births and there were around 15-30 million surplus deaths (Yao, 1999). Not many researchers have reached the long-term economic and health impacts and regarding the magnitude of these consequences very little is known about it.

During the three year time period of 1959-1961, the famine shaped a huge population which was undernourished. Revelation to famine-related diseases and malnutrition harmfully impacted the survivor’s health. In the adulthood the consequences of negative health might lead to negative economic results.