


为了创造一个非常独特的神话的精神分裂,无论是作者雪莱(1818)和威尔斯(1895)在各自的小说中借来的元素的美丽和野兽,其中他们更侧重于野兽,并没有太多的重点已放在美丽。小说<<弗兰肯斯坦>>中的浪漫主义时代的真正精神倾向于复述童话作为一个悲剧,被认为是一种文化的崇拜,试图崇拜的原因,成本的创造力和想象力。这是因为它会导致怪物或野兽的创作,结合Victor Frankenstein陪同他的生物;谁会害怕工会应通过破坏美容美体。

威尔斯在上世纪末,呼应雪莉改写了美的主题在小说中的时间旅行者是一个变化的节拍,或Victor Frankenstein,或Eloi威娜美女野兽。HG Wells在他的小说中试图表现出对技术的执着信仰的文化,同时也关注有和没有社会的相似主题。这一切都是在小说的同时,小说并不是表现为悲观的社会大片中的会话风格对完成;但虚构,想象力和积极,恢复为读者就像一个神话(有生命的意义和奇迹)。威尔斯和雪莱是现实的观察者,对自己的时间限制的先知;他们被视为神话的人谁在他们的小说读者与叙述者留下与耐力的职责,在充满希望的新的一。


In order to create a very unique myths of the psychic fragmentation, both the authors Shelley(1818) and Wells(1895) in their respective novels have borrowed the elements of Beauty and the Beast; wherein they have focused more on the Beast and not much focus has been put on the Beauty. The novel Frankenstein in the true spirit of the Romantic Age tends to retell the fairy tale as a tragedy which is regarded as an indictment of a culture which tries to worship the reason at the cost of creativity and imagination. It was because of this that it leads to the creation of the Monster or Beast, a combination of Victor Frankenstein who was accompanied by his creature; who disintegrates the scared union of should and body by destroying the beauty.

Wells at the end of the century echoes Shelly and rewrites the theme of the Beauty and the Beast in the novel Time Traveler which is considered as a variation of the Beats or Victor Frankenstein and Weena or Eloi as beauty. HG Wells in his novel tries to show that culture of obsessive faith in the technology and at the same time it also focus on the similar themes of have and have not society. All this is accomplished in both the novels and at the same time the novels aren’t shown as the pair of pessimistic social tracts in the conversational style; but fictionally, imaginatively and positively, which restores for the readers just like a myth does (a sense of life’s meaning and wonder). Wells and Shelley are realistic observer, prophets of the limits of their own times; they are regarded as the mythmakers who in their novel left the readers and the narrators with the duty of endurance and at the same time of the new kind of hope.