


这个理论把任务作为员工激励的关键。表现良好的动机或参与具有挑战性的工作的动机是很少能帮助员工的例子。此外,该理论还指出,工作丰富和轮换作为其他选项,以增加工作的意义。简而言之,员工期望的是工作之外的价值和内在的激励,在这种激励中,员工自我激励,而环境支持这一过程。此外,赋予员工的责任将使他们暴露在变化和挑战中,这些变化和挑战最终将提高工作场所的生产力,并支持对预期结果的了解(Cofer和Appley, 1967)。在这些州中,很明显,金钱并没有起到关键作用。事实上,它根本没有发挥作用,因为应该激励员工的是环境和工作的性质。



This theory places task as the key to the motivation of an employee. The motivation to perform well or the motivation to take part in a challenging work are few examples that can help employees. Additionally, the theory also states job enrichment and rotation as other options to add meaningfulness to the work. In short, employees expect value addition to the work and intrinsic motivation where one motivates oneself and the environment supports the process. Additionally, the responsibility given to employees will expose them to th changes and challenges that will eventually improve the productivity of workplace and also support knowledge of the expected outcomes (Cofer and Appley, 1967). In each of these states, it is clear that money does not a play a critical role. In fact, it does not have a role at all to play as it is the environment and the nature of job that should motivate employees.

This theory totally opposes the statement given by Taylor. Every theory mentioned in this paper states that money is not the key to the motivation of an employee. Several experiments and researches in the past by behavioral scientists, neuroscientists and employers show that there are other factors such as performance analysis, job growth, creative opportunity and challenge experiences that tend to boost the performance over money. Every theory has opposed the statement given by Taylor as some feel that financial reward can demotivate the left out employees and it can also incorporate a lot of pressure in the minds of employees that would eventually affect the productivity. On the whole, the contradictions to Taylor in this paper make it clear that money is neither the best nor the only motivator for employees in workplace.