



因此,可以说,动机的内在形式是从与责任感,目的,所有权,赋权,参与,工作满意度和成就相关的人内部演化而来(Weightman,2008)。所有这些都有助于让员工感受到,他们参与到企业组织中,在同一时间,员工的生活和组织的成功都会产生巨大的变化。如果他们的参与和贡献是微不足道的,那么他们就有一种微不足道的感觉,如果给予员工贡献和参与组织的价值,他们最终会感受到被重视的价值(Harter,2008) 。这有助于提高生产水平,最终有助于提高组织的整体绩效,从而使其走向成功。

为了理解内在形式动机的重要性,爱德华·德奇(Edward Deci)在罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester)担任纽约教授。他一直对动机的内在形式表现出极大的兴趣。在一项重大的研究中,他提出了给某个学生群体的钱(Ajzen,2007)。提供资金是为了激励他们解决具体问题。除此之外,他还涉及另外一组不同的学生,在没有任何外在形式的奖励的情况下解决问题。在一个有趣的方式,它已被发现,学生没有外在报酬与谁在为了继续过涉及,即使有问题的工作报酬与外在报酬学生群体比较显示更愿意一直在研究停止(关,2004)。然而,一些研究人员一直在支持组织的成功的外在动机。


Improved performance by Intrinsic Motivation

Hence, it can be stated that intrinsic form of motivation evolves from within the person that is related to a sense of responsibility, purpose, ownership, empowerment, involvement, satisfaction with the job and achievement (Weightman, 2008). All of these contribute in making an employee get a feeling that their involvement in the business organization makes a huge difference in the lives of the employees and success of the organization at the same point of time. If their involvement and contributions are left insignificant, then they have a sense of being insignificant, and if, value is given to the employees for their contributions and involvement in the organization, they will ultimately feel the sense of being valued (Harter, 2008). This contributes in increasing the level of production that ultimately contributes in improving the overall performance of the organization and hence, leading it towards success.

For understanding the importance of intrinsic form of motivation, a research had been conducted by Edward Deci, who was a professor in New York at the University of Rochester. He had been showing huge interest towards the intrinsic form of motivation. In a major research, he made an offer of giving money to a certain group of student (Ajzen, 2007). The offer of money had been made as a source for motivating them for solving specific issues. In addition to this, he involved one more different group of student for solving the issues in the absence of any extrinsic form of reward. In an interesting manner it had been found that the students without extrinsic rewards showed more willingness in comparison with the group of students who were paid with extrinsic rewards in order to continue working over the issues involved, even after there had been a halt in the research being conducted (Guan, 2004). However, a number of researchers have been supporting extrinsic motivation as well for the success of the organizations.