


在为领导能力制定愿景时,我想说的是,在日常活动中给予更多的关注和关心,是我希望长期拥有的一个要素。我想要更多的自我意识的情况和人,把更多的注意力放在我周围的事情,而不是集中在检查媒体更新等所有的时间。我认为这种注意力的缺乏导致了自我意识的缺乏,这在这一点上是领导的弱点。然而,我有足够的分析能力来找出问题所在,我相信这种分析能力就是领导能力。一个好的领导者应该能够分析和利用所获得的洞察力来提高自我和他人(Shamir和Eilam, 2005;金正日,2003)。在第二组练习中,第一个活动是抽出时间去做一些有趣的事情。


In developing a vision statement for leadership, I would state that more attention and care in day to day activities is one element that I would aspire to have in the long run. I would like to be more self-aware of situations and people and give more attention to things around me than to be focused on checking media updates etc. all the time. I believe this lack of attention was leading to lack of self-awareness and this is a leadership weakness at this point. However, I have been analytical enough to identify what the issue was and I believe this analytic mind is leadership strength. A good leader would be able to analyse and use the insights gained for improving self and others (Shamir and Eilam, 2005; Kim, 2003).In the second set of exercises, one of the first activities was to take a time out and go and does something fun for self.
This was an activity that was supposed to be about mystery and this helped me connect to how some of my personal strengths came to be. For instance, I am a fast reader and I got into that habit because of interest in novels that I had when I was a young adult. I would want to know what happens in the end of the book and since fast reading helped me get there I practiced it as a technique. Some of the things we master are actually driven because of how we feel when we are on the way to master it. The feelings could be triggered by mystery, intrigue, fascination etc. This was helpful for me, as it showed me how my goals could be achieved. To focus on a goal as something that is purely pragmatic or too much procedural would make it boring for me. I have to connect with the process, rather than the end result. I believe this would actually help me achieve my goal.