





They cannot or do not need to get in touch with people from other cultures. In addition, tourists and international students are foreigners in the country they visit. It is not the place we belong to. Culture difference exists everywhere here; we may learn how to be a native speaker, but we cannot be real native people (The people of Oklahoma 2005). Culture difference exists not only among countries and ethnics, but also in different religions and teams, such as Christian and Buddhism, Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat. In the last third paragraph, Gleiser says: “Humans have evolved in tribes and are still tribal. Beyond our families and blood relations, many of our social and cultural relations are vested in allegiance to certain groups…We pledge allegiance to this or that flag, and many are ready to die defending it” (Gleiser 9). People separate groups in all levels of the society, from countries to families; it is a huge dendrogram of relations and groups, which connects to each other. There is always something worth more than life in human’s life, such as self-respect or culture. Just like Gleiser mentions, people would rather give up their lives instead of losing their culture; for example, the good name of family and the love to favorite baseball team. Is it possible for all baseball fans to support one baseball team? No. A team, which has its own culture, always attracts people to love it. Consequently, there is no way to vanish cultural difference and unit them into one.

Similarly, people’s defending for self-interest cannot be vanished. Why there are powerful countries and weak countries? What makes them different? Culture and national power are two of the most important factors that determine whether a country is powerful or weak.