


Aldi Company is known as a company that provides best value for the products, which has been able to gain niche consumer based on this principle. The company is a profit based company that operates in Germany. In the Australian markets, there is importance given to the value of the products and reduced prices that are factored by the company. It is imperative for the company to pay more attention to the employees. They have taken considerable efforts to help the local economy and the local producers. However, in their efforts of keeping the operational costs of the company low, the employees are made to work for long demanding hours. This has reduced the patronage among the employees. These cause the company to not retain employee. If the company addresses this issue, it will increase its brand person.

In the OCP quiz, the main questions are asked as the important values espoused by the company. The most important value for the company from analysis seems to be providing value for money. The least preferred values are importance given to the employee needs. This is a capitalistic company that focuses on the profit margin. It is emphasizing given to the local community producers. They are transparent in their operations. These values of the company are in liaison with personal values. From this, it can be alluded that these values make this place an attractive location to work. However, extreme demands from the employees make it a place where the employee needs are not discussed. The importance to money is valued from a personal standpoint. Nevertheless, the only focus on money does not align with my principles (Robbins, 2009). This workplace would be an option when there is no other employment option available. This would be a place of learning many of the important factors that is needed to survive in the external environment. The importance of the value of work and money can be learnt from this company (Robbins and Judge, 2012). The values that are documented are lofty goals. However, the review of the company by the employees seems to be otherwise. Owing to this, this workplace would be a place of employment until there are better work options available.

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