


公司项目的另一个关键风险是按时交付项目。近年来,人们发现这个项目一直在按时、按预算运行。人们还发现该项目是按照预算运行的(Altman, 1968)。这种商业环境的风险是,如果在项目的最后阶段出现成本超支,可能会影响到资金状况、信贷和资金状况。根据商业环境,有必要将支出削减25%和20亿欧元。7亿美元的成本削减是为了克服增长支出的减少。但是,尽管削减了预算,该公司仍有大量选择来管理其财务状况,这是事实。的确,财务比率有助于进行与组织成长有关的评估,但为了分析公司的财务比率,可能会出现一些限制,这些限制可能包括:

在不同的行业中,有许多大公司可能在不同的部门下运作。对于这些公司来说,很难有一套有意义的财务比率。很多时候,通货膨胀会对公司的整体资产负债表造成不良影响。在这种情况下,会对公司的利润产生巨大的影响。因此,这可能会影响公司的整体利润率(Healy & Palepu, 2012)。因此,为了对公司进行比较分析,在给定的时间内对一家公司进行适当的比率分析是很重要的。还有一些季节性因素可能会对公司的财务比率产生影响。了解这些可能对业务产生影响并减少误解的季节性因素是很重要的。


A yet another key risk for the project of the company is to have the delivery of the project on time. In the recent times it has been found that the project has been running on time and the and as per the budget. It was also found that the project was running according to the budget (Altman, 1968). The risk in this business environment is that in case there is an overrun of the cost in the final stages of the project the funding position and the credit and funding position may be impacted. As per the business environment it was necessary to cut down the expenditure by 25 % and 2 bn. The $700 m in cost cuts was done for the purpose of overcoming the reduction in the growth expenditure. But, in spite of the cut-off in the budget this is true that the company still has a large number of options in order to manage its financial position. It is true that financial ratios are helpful in doing the assessment related to the growth of the organization, but there are a number of limitations which may occur in order to analyse the financial ratios of the company which may include the following:

There are many large firms which may operate under different divisions in different kinds of industries. It is very difficult to have the set of financial ratios for these company which are meaningful. Many a times, there is a bad impact on the overall balance sheet of the company because of inflation. Under such a condition, there is a huge impacts on the profits of the company. Thus, there may be an impact on the overall profit ratio of the company (Healy & Palepu, 2012). Thus, it is important to have the proper ratio analysis of one company over a given period of time in order to do the comparative analysis of the companies. There are a number of seasonal factors as well which may have an impact on the financial ratios of the company. It is important to have the understanding of these seasonal factors which may have an impact on the business and reduces the chances of misinterpretation.