


任何组织的性能高度依赖的结果。没有结果就是一个很好的结果,直到而设置的基准。编制预算提供了基准的一个组织,结果可以比较和匹配预算目标(罗宾斯,m D。•西蒙森B。&谢泼德,e . 2009)。预算不再只有一个控制开支的一个工具。这是一个管理工具来控制组织性能。各种预算技术用于控制输入和努力。所有级别的员工或更好的可以说是所有管理和执行水平的人直接或间接地参与了这一过程。这使得一个非常有效的工具来改善组织的绩效。一组目标总是工作和实现这一目标的一个必要的催化剂是一个很大的动力因素。这些预算确定的公司很多。任何偏离这些目标应该正确分析和应该采取必要的行动。但偏差或方差应该谨慎对待,因为他们可能会误导人,如果没有正确地解释。积极的价格差异可以归因于更便宜的原材料质量。销售预测可以错过,因为一些自然灾害,或政治因素。但这些差异不应该孤立地看待,应该彼此尊重和外部因素进行分析。这些决策是非常重要的,应该用足够的现状的研究和分析。


Any organization’s performance depends highly on results. No result is a good result until it is compared with set of benchmarks. Budgeting provides that benchmark to an organization where results can be compared and matched to budgeted targets (Robbins, M. D., Simonsen, B., & Shepard, E. 2009). Budgets are no longer a tool to just have a control on spending. It is a management tool to control organizational performance. Various budgeting techniques are used to control inputs and efforts. All level of employees or better it can be said as all management and execution level people are directly or indirectly involved in this process. That makes it a very effective tool to improve performance in organization. A set of target is always a necessary catalyst to work and achieving those targets can be a big motivation factor for people. These budgets determine a lot for company. Any deviations from these set of objectives should be analyzed properly and necessary action should be taken. But deviations or variance should be treated carefully as they can be misleading, if not interpreted properly. A positive price variance can be due to cheaper quality raw material. Selling estimates can be missed because of some natural calamities, or political factors. These variances should not be viewed in isolation and should be analyzed with respect to each other and external factors. These decisions are very crucial and should be taken with adequate study and analysis of current situation