


澳大利亚的破产法试图确保债务人、债权人和法律的其他间接参与者在这一过程中不受影响。该法律的目的是确保最低限度的延迟支付,并确保所有各方都有公平的支付份额(Ciro, and Symes, 2013)。公司面纱表明公司或公司是一个独立的法律实体。普通法制度规定,任何债务问题只对公司或公司负责。这被称为公司面纱。但是,在某些情况下,可以通过穿透这个来检索资产。法院依据判例法作出主观判断。但这项立法受到了批评,因为人们可以使用这些条款不偿还债务。在破产的情况下,董事的职责在这一过程中变得模糊不清。董事对公司负有一些法定和受托责任(Latimer, 2012)。董事需要代表公司的最大利益行事,他们需要确保自己遵守公司的所有诚信行为。他们需要确保他们遵守了所有的强制性努力和协议,以使公司继续运营。

公司法规定,涉及债务的机构可以被视为独立的法律实体。但它们也有重要的例外。控股公司可以在子公司的债务在资不抵债期间交易的情况下承担责任。需要制定综合考虑所有公司因素的综合财务报表。附属公司不能为同一目的提供援助。Tess将需要提供关于财务记录的文档,并为做出这些选择提供解释。1897年的所罗门诉所罗门案指出,一旦公司破产,债权人就不能起诉公司股东,要求他们收回资产。这是具有里程碑意义的案例之一,为这些案例的工作方式开创了先例(Ciro, and Symes, 2013)。但这起案件发生在一个多世纪前,最近几次裁决引起了广泛争议。该法律规定了公司面纱的各个方面,以及公司如何利用该判例法考虑成为独立的实体。


Insolvency law of Australia tries to ensure that the debtors, creditors and the other indirect participants of the law are not affected in this process. Aim of the law is to ensure that there is minimum delay of payments and to ensure that all the parties have a fair share of making payments (Ciro, and Symes, 2013). Corporate veil states that the corporation or the company is a separate legal entity. Common law system states that any issue in the case of debt is liable only in relation to the corporation or the company. This is termed as corporate veil. However, in some cases, this can be pierced to retrieve the assets. The courts make subjective determinations based on the case laws. But this legislation has been criticized owing to the fact that the people may use these clauses to not repay the debts. The role of the director’s duties in cases of insolvency becomes obscure and hazy in the process. Directors have some statutory and fiduciary duties for the companies (Latimer, 2012). Director needs to act in behalf of the best interest of the company and they need to ensure that they follow all the good faith practices for the company. They need to ensure that they had followed all the mandatory efforts and protocols to make the company stay afloat.

Corporation acts states that the agencies involved in debt can be considered to be separate legal entities. But they come under important exceptions. A holding company can be held liable in cases, where the debts of the subsidiary when they trade during insolvent times. A consolidated financial statements needs to be developed that factors in all the companies. A subsidiary company cannot provide assistance for the same purpose. Tess will need to provide documentation as to the financial records and provide explanation for making the choices. The case of Salomon v Salomon in 1897 states that the once the company becomes insolvent the creditors cannot sue the shareholders of the company to retrieve their assets. This was one of the landmark cases that had set a precedent about how these cases work (Ciro, and Symes, 2013). But this case was more than a century ago and the ruling have been widely debated in recent times. This law states the aspects of corporate Veil and how the companies can use this case law for considering being separate entity.