


Inclusive education is gaining ground across the globe, and simultaneously there are concerns about its success and outreach are growing. As easy is including special students in inclusive education settings, equally hard is to accommodate the special students in the ever increasing and changing inclusive education system. The variety of education systems from objective to subjective, argumentative, and thesis based, etc. are more or less different variants of the same goal of building the students’ academic skills and knowledge. As the non-disabled inclusive education demands simplicity and highlight of superior knowledge and skills, the goal of infusing special students in inclusive settings should remain overstretched. This misalignment of different expectations of progress year-on-year between non-disabled and disabled school students is the irony to be resolved and subverted.

Teacher education is another area where much research is pending and required. This is because teachers are the first point of contact with both disabled and non-disabled students in school, and their communication is an important indicator of the ability of understanding of the recipient students. When teachers are ill-equipped to handle special students in inclusive settings, growth is subdued and supressed. Teachers must understand the background of the non-disabled students who will be taught exclusion at home and are promoters of the order of hierarchy and rank among disabled and non-disabled students. This is a social construct and must be eliminated in a way, which enhances the outlook of the non-disabled toward the disabled. The number one difficult for teachers is to face the school going students’ natural inquisitive inquiries in the conditions of the disabled and their inclusion with them. This is unavoidable and superior communication skills could reverse the inquiry into an enhancing social bond. This particular issue is of paramount importance and must be learned before it is implemented on instinct. For example, teachers could use the People First Language while addressing all students, disabled and non-disabled, which can dilute the natural inquiry of school children who are still developing their cognitive abilities (Snow, 2017).

Legislative support for inclusive education is a big differentiator for the ones that succeed in realising the benefits of inclusive education and the ones who do not. Political will and policy initiatives make a strong case for developing inclusive education programs. However, lack of political support, lacklustre motivation and enforcement of relevant laws are a big hindrance in realising inclusive education, and the most affected is the special students who remain confined and cornered in teaching-deficient schools. Political will must reform inclusive education and set new benchmarks for all students, which raises their competitiveness and realises a fulfilled democratic nation where inclusion is the key ingredient of its sustenance.

In all, the misalignment between the ‘future alterations and rapid changes of the inclusive education system’ and the ‘snail-paced special education system’, teachers raining and self-learned understanding of the demands of inclusion of diversity, and the political and financial support for further standardising the inclusive education system for all categories of students remains long standing and perennial challenges.

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