


城市交通拥堵是加拿大中型城市日益严重的问题。交通堵塞是一个必须解决的问题,因为它降低了人们的生活质量。这会导致交通拥堵,从而增加城市温室气体的产生。随着大多数加拿大城市投资于减少环境影响,经济成本将随之增加(Urban Transportation Task Force, 2012)。此外,经济影响也将感受到,因为城市的商业投资决策可能取决于城市现有交通基础设施的效率。因此,交通拥堵的缓解在很多层面上成为了一个问题。从一份报告中可以看出,多伦多在交通拥堵方面的表现尤其糟糕。普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的一份报告《城市的机遇》(Cities of Opportunity, 2011年发表在《城市交通特别工作组,2012年》(Urban Transportation Task Force, 2012)中,收集了26个世界城市的不同测量数据。

审议了66项绩效措施,其中加拿大城市多伦多在运输和基础设施措施方面的成绩最差。这一问题主要是由于我国通勤时间较长,公共交通成本较高(Urban Transportation Task Force, 2012)。在分析多伦多等加拿大城市交通拥堵的原因时,发现主要有两种拥堵成因。主要的是,有些通勤者是为了工作或其他原因而乘坐单人车。这些是单独的通勤私人车辆。造成交通拥堵的第二个也是最重要的原因是通勤者在高峰期出行。这些是上下班的通勤者,这段高峰期造成了严重的交通堵塞和相关影响。虽然有人认为交通的使用将有助于减少拥堵,但现有的拥堵可能会对交通本身构成挑战。


Urban traffic congestion is a growing problem in medium sized Canadian cities. Congestion has to be addressed as a problem as it is reducing the quality of life of people. It leads to gridlocked traffic that in turn will increase GHG (Greenhouse gas) production in the cities. Economic costs will increase in turn as most Canadian cities are invested in reducing environmental impacts (Urban Transportation Task Force, 2012). Furthermore, economic impact will also be felt because of how business investment decisions in cities might depend on the efficiency of transportation infrastructure that is available in the city. Congestion reduction hence becomes a problem for the city on many magnitudes. Toronto in particular fares poorly with respect to congestion as seen in a report. A PricewaterhouseCoopers report, Cities of Opportunity (2011, cited in ‘Urban Transportation Task Force, 2012’) collected data on different measures of 26 world cities.

Sixty-six performance measures were considered and in this the Canadian city of Toronto was seen to suffer worst grades in terms of the measures on transport and infrastructure. The problem is mainly because of the commute time in the country and the costs of public transit which are quite higher than others (Urban Transportation Task Force, 2012).In analyzing the cause of congestion in Canadian cities such as Toronto, it has been found that there are two main forms of congestion contributors. Primarily, there are commuters who travel in single occupant vehicles for their business or for other reasons. These are single commuter privately owned vehicles. The second and the most significant contribution to traffic congestion is the commuters travelling in peak times. These are commuters travelling from work or to work and this peak period time is what causing significant congestion and related effects. While it is argued that the use of transit will be helpful in reducing the congestion, the transit itself could be challenged by the existing congestion.