

澳洲会计学论文代写-教育系统的包容性分析。人的尊严是向个人提供基本需要的权利,包括粮食、住房、安全和教育。这被认为是赋予人们的最基本的权利。国际社会详细强调了授予儿童的权利(霍奇森,2013)。这是为了确保儿童,即18岁以下的个人,不论其生活水平或社会意识形态如何,都应受到公平、有尊严和平等的对待。人的尊严的一个组成部分是受教育的权利。包容性和受教育权是人类尊严的重要组成部分(Hodgson, 2013)。应该理解这一基本思想,为案例分析开拓视角。本案例分析强调了当前特殊需要儿童教育体系中涉及的实际问题。教育系统的责任是确保向儿童提供成功的适当工具。关于正确工具的看法已在下面详细讨论。

From the case study three perspectives are applied to analyse the situation from a holistic angle. Selective inclusiveness is about including children based on the subjective needs of the child. Complete inclusion is about including and providing care for children in the same classroom situation. Providing education for the children and finding ways of not overlooking the needs of special needs children is another perception that has been analysed in this analysis. From this analysis insights that have been gained is discussed in the conclusion.
The social conformities and ostensible normative behaviour in societies has impeded development of proper teaching methodology for special needs children. By following perception of selective inclusiveness in classroom quadrant 1A is restored. This is seen in the case of Jake and Cooper. By selective inclusiveness there is a danger than quadrant 2A will be compromised. Quadrant 2A discusses about how self-worth is developed or lost by events. By following selective inclusions there is a danger that this feeling would be compromised. Second dimension or perception discusses in detail about the importance of inclusive education in the classroom. This can lead to quadrant 1B being conceded. Quadrant 1B discusses in detail about how humans are special because of their innate potential (Corbett, 1996). Complete inclusiveness without proper education can lead to this quadrant being diminished. Quadrant 2B discusses in detail that the dignity that is acquired by the process of individual action. There is danger that by not employing proper facilitating teaching methodologies this quadrant will be damaged (Corbett, 1996). None of the quadrants of human dignity will be compromised if there is a proper system in place to help the students.
From this analysis following insights can be gained. Education system should foster wholesome learning. This is facilitated by inclusiveness of special needs children. Nevertheless it is also important not to lose focus on providing quality education. Education should help the people gain like skills to sustain, develop self-dignity and respect others (Corbett, 1996). Mode of delivery of education is based on the subjective needs of each individual. In some cases mainstreaming process can aid students to cope. For some students like Bradley and Cory they require assistance throughout the day. Kilberry School has been able to provide them with such service. From a practical standpoint this is not feasible in all scenarios. Other Mainstream schools may not have the resources to adequately serve them. In some cases students require dedicated resources and teachers to help them cope with the academic requirements. In such a scenario where the students are not able to cope specialized schools should be suggested for those children. To conclude this education system should facilitate inclusiveness and ensure human dignity is maintained in the process.

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