


根据标准普尔,信用评级是指与信用风险有关的意见。消息来源声称,评级似乎传达了有关机构提供的关键意见。本意见书是关于特定发行人是否有能力和意愿按时足额履行以财务为基础的义务。这些发行人可以是政府、国家或公司。在信用评级的标准普尔指南中,已经指出了信用评级的一些关键因素(Joo & Pruitt, 2006)。除了相对的信用风险,信用评级还提供了一种不能被视为投资建议的含义。在进行投资决策时,它是投资可以考虑的一个基本因素。这对于保证未来几年的信贷风险或信贷质量也不是很有效。Gonzalez et al.(2004)认为,投资者和债权人在分析和收集信息时,由于规模经济,能够享受到利用评级意见进行监控和使用交易的效率收益。

自2013年1月14日或之后,每一项信用评级行为的公布,都要求填写披露表。披露形式可以认为是监管披露的一个时点出版问题,即信用评级行为的可得出版(Jaballah, 2015)。并不是每一个信用评级的行为都符合宣布信用评级的要求。不同的监管披露要求不同类别的lob、不同的司法管辖区、不同的信用评级行为。其他评级公告可以与其他评级行为一起用于信息的公开披露。对于评级的其他行为,不需要披露监管信息,MIS也不会因为与这些类型的公告有关联而发布披露信息的形式(Hooper et al., 2008)。由于高度依赖其他评级行动的类别,管理信息系统会在其他评级公告中公布其选定的披露信息,以增加透明度,并在其公开公告中提供更高的一致性范围。


As per S & P, credit ratings can be referred to as opinions related to risk on credit. The source claims that ratings seem to be conveying the key opinion provided by the respective agency. This opinion is regarding with capacity and willingness of a specific issuer for meeting the finance based obligation on time and in full. These issuers can be the government, the state or the corporation. In the guide of S & P on credit rating, a number of key factors have been pointed out with respect to credit ratings (Joo & Pruitt, 2006). In addition to the relative credit risk, credit ratings provide an implication that cannot be considered as an advice for investment. When the decision of investment is made, it is a basic factor that can be considered by the investment. It is also not that effective for guaranteeing the credit risk in the years to come or related to the quality of credit. It was argued by Gonzalez et al. (2004) that investors and creditors were able to enjoy the benefit of efficiency in using opinions of ratings for monitoring and employing the transaction due to the economies of scale in the analysis and collection of information.

Each and every credit rating for which there is publishing of an Action of Credit Rating since or after the 14th January, 2013, holds the requirement to fill a form of disclosure. The form of disclosure can be considered as a point-in-time published issue of regulatory disclosure the available publishing of the action of credit rating (Jaballah, 2015). Not every action of credit rating holds the requirement of announcing credit rating. Different disclosures of regulation hold the requirement for different categories of different LoBs, different jurisdictions, and actions of credit rating. Other announcements of rating can be used for the public disclosure of information in context with other actions of rating. No disclosures of regulation are required in the case of other actions of rating, and MIS will not be issuing the forms of disclosure for having a connection with these types of announcement (Hooper et al., 2008). Being highly dependent on the category of other action of rating, there will be publishing of selected disclosures by MIS in the other announcement of rating for providing added transparency and a higher scope of consistency within its public announcements.