


类似的意识形态在电影《弯曲它》(Bend it like Beckham)中也很普遍。影片中的主角杰西(Jess)来自印度,是一个十几岁的女孩,由于对足球的不认可,她很难与自己的家庭建立联系。她的孤立与Peter的情况类似(Chadha et al. 2009)。例如,当杰西决定踢出一脚时,她想象她的家人穿着传统的锡克教服装站在对方的队伍中,恳求她回归传统的角色。导演用这套服装将足球装备和祖传服装放在一起,描述了她在文化遗产中遭受的异化,以及她在决定遗产和足球之间的内在冲突。在她母亲的特写镜头中,她也清楚地表明,任何家庭都不会喜欢不会做饭但整天踢足球的媳妇(洪晋,2011)。这与她女儿杰西(Jess)的观点交织在一起。在之前的场景中,杰西提到,任何能像贝克汉姆那样把头发弄弯的人,都不想整天做传统食物。这些陈述提供了对杰西在足球激情和强制性遗产之间所面临的持续斗争的理解。
这与费利克斯·斯克日涅基的情况相似,因为她发现了与父亲的联系方式,她与父亲共同经历了种族歧视,就像彼得和他的父亲一样。在足球比赛中,Jess被对方队员辱骂为Paki,这被认为是对次大陆地区个人的种族歧视(Scraton et al. 2010)。这种情况类似于她父亲因为体面而被开除出板球俱乐部时所经历的挣扎。他所受到的待遇被描述为一个类似于狗的比喻,试图表现出一种被疏远的感觉。分享被种族歧视的经验有助于与女儿和父亲建立联系,类似于前面讨论的例子。归属斗争可以导致一个接受相关祖先的个体。在文本中存在差异,因为杰西的家人最终诉诸于接受她(Chadha et al. 2009)。很明显,通过下面的陈述,完整的印度晚餐被认为是杰西的,但其余的都留给了上帝,这意味着杰西的母亲终于接受了她,杰西在属于她的家庭中所感受到的持续的斗争也完成了。


Similar ideology is prevalent in the movie Bend it like Beckham wherein the primary character named Jess, a teenager from India struggles to establish connection with her own family because of the disapproved dedication for soccer. Her isolation is similar to the situation of Peter (Chadha et al. 2009). For an instance as Jess decides to make the kick, she imagines her family to be on the opposing team with traditional Sikh clothing dress and pleading her to return towards her roles of traditional nature. The costume was used by the directed to juxtapose the football kit with the ancestral clothing depicting the alienation she suffers from her cultural heritage along with the inner conflict that she experiences in deciding among the heritage and soccer. She being disconnected is also clear in the close up of her mother stating that any family will not prefer daughter in law who is unable to cook but kicks football throughout the day (Hongjin 2011). This is mixed with the perspective of her daughter, Jess in previous scenario wherein she mentions that anyone who can bend it like Beckham will not want to cook traditional food throughout the day. These statements provide with an understanding of continuous struggle that were faced by Jess among soccer passion and mandatory heritage.
This is similar to the situation of Feliks skrzynecki because of way she found for connected with the father in concern with the help of shared experience of being vilified racially just as it took place with peter and his father. Within the match of soccer, Jess was abused by a player from opposing team calling her a Paki, this is considered to be a racial discrimination towards an individual that is of sub continental region (Scraton et al. 2010). This situation was similar to the struggle experienced by her father while being removed from the club of cricket because of his decent. The treatment given to him was described as a simile as similar to a dog in an effort to showcase the felt alienation. The sharing experience of being vilified in racial manner assisted in connecting with daughter and father similar to the earlier discussed instance. The belonging struggle can result to an individual accepting the concerning ancestry. There is difference in the texts as family of Jess eventually resorts to accepting her (Chadha et al. 2009). It is evident through the following statement, complete Indian dinner is thought to Jess but the rest is left up to the God, this implied that the mother of Jess has finally accepted her and the continuous struggle felt by Jess in belonging to her family is completed.