


对一个问题的轻微发现不能被认为足以确保财务会计准则委员会成功地采取解决办法。董事会处理问题的方式必须具有相当高的可能性,这种方式在选民中是可以接受的(Locke 2011)。这是一种情况,即对董事会成员将有能力达成共同协商一致意见的机会缺乏一些事先的了解。这并不包括对正式进行项目的一般性建议。参照这段引文,本文将讨论在具体的会计准则实施会计方法之前,是否可以认为选民的支持是重要的。为了达到本文的目的,我们将对生成的报告相对于会计准则的代表性忠实性和中立性的关键影响进行讨论(Leo et al. 2009)。国际会计准则理事会的决定为改进和完成概念框架投入了大量资源,这是建立一个具有良好质量的国际会计准则组合的一个重要事件。

它为那些受财务和会计报告影响并参与其中的人提供了一个产生持久积极影响的机会(Jubb et al. 2010)。这一机会难得地增加了,因此,重要的是,各组成部分将有充分的时间来最大限度地利用这一机会。在这方面,有关各方鼓励参与机构间常设委员会的进程。以往游说私营和公共部门的研究曾因按照既定标准处理事件而受到批评,因为根据具体问题的出现而考虑的任何因素都可能不包括离散事件。在对会计监管的分析中,由于分散条件原则、自发团结原则和分层控制原则的组织,在看待与会计监管相关的过程和制度时,可以参考一个概念框架(Alfredson et al. 2009)。在澳大利亚,在PSASB、财政部和财政部官僚机构之间的制度化关系中,有一种社团主义的财务报告政策的制定。


The slender discovery of an issue cannot be considered sufficient for assuring that the Board of Financial Accounting Standards is successful in undertaking the solution. There has to be a significantly high chance that the Board will deal with the resolution of issues in a way that has acceptability with respect to the constituency (Locke 2011). This is the scenario when there is lack of some previous understanding about the chances that the members of the board will have the ability of reaching a mutual consensus. This does not involve a general advice for undertaking a project formally. In reference with this quotation, this essay will discuss the scenario if constituency support can be considered significant prior to the embodiment of accounting approaches in specific accounting standards. For serving the purpose of this essay, discussion will be created on key implications for representational faithfulness and neutrality of generated reports with respect to the accounting standards (Leo et al. 2009). The decision of IASB has devoted significant resource for the improvement and completion of conceptual framework as an important event for the establishment of a combination of international accounting standards with good quality.

It has placed an opportunity for having a lasting positive effect for the ones affected by and involved in financial and accounting reporting (Jubb et al. 2010). There is a rise of this opportunity on rare basis, and hence it is significant that the constituents will be provided with significant time for using opportunity with maximum scope. With respect to this, there is an encouragement of interested parties for participating in the process of IASB. Previous studies lobbying the private and public sector have faced criticism for the treatment of episodes as per the standards set as discrete events can be devoid from any factors being considered in accordance with the rise of specific issue. In the analysis of accounting regulation, a conceptual framework can be referred to in viewing the processes and institutions related to accounting regulation as a result of principles of dispersed condition, spontaneous solidarity and hierarchical control had been organized (Alfredson et al. 2009). In Australia, there is a formulation of financial reporting policy with corporatism in the relationships of institutionalization between the PSASB, Departments of Finance and the bureaucracies of treasuries.