


领导力理论如何应用于英国游戏行业,以理解领先组织应对挑战的方式?风格型领导理论:随着工业革命让位于复杂的组织形式,人们认识到特质理论不适合解释领导力,一个新的领导理论群体开始出现。风格理论认为,当风格与产生它的群体一致时,领导者就会出现(Drucker, 1985)。例如,领导者可能具有独裁性质的领导,而不是具有普遍的领导特质。根据风格理论,当领导者的行为模式与他们所领导的团队保持适当的一致时,他们就会成功。为了维护权力,领导者开始选择适合自己风格的追随者。领导风格并没有考虑到影响创新的所有因素。Midodzi等人(2000)发现,领导风格本身与电子游戏的死亡率无关(Fagerberg, 2006)。

相反,研究人员能够描述这样一个事实:当公司在组织中拥有相关且一致的文化时,他们的产品会更好。根据Cummings等人(2000)的研究,进一步发现无视风格,使用关系视角和变革视角风格的领导者与实行专制的领导者相比,具有适当的质量结果(Flores et al., 2000)。变革型和魅力型领导理论:这是第三种包含魅力和变革的领导理论概念框架发展。这些领导风格致力于将领导者从激励者和计划者提升为组织边界上的一个角色。组织领导的工作不再被看作是一个计划者和生产力管理者,而是一个愿景制定者和边界管理者。


How is leadership theory applicable in the UK gaming industry to understand the way in which the leading organizations are dealing with challenges?Theories of style leadership: As revolution industrially gives way to much complicated forms of organizations, and it was understood that theories of trait were not appropriate for explaining leadership, a new leadership theory group had started emerging. It is contended by the style theories that leaders come forward when style is aligned with the group from which they emerge (Drucker, 1985). For example, leaders may have leadership of autocratic nature instead of having universal traits of leadership. According to the theory of style, leaders have success when their behaviour pattern had a proper alignment with the group that they led. For maintenance of power, leaders started to select followers which fit properly with the personal style. The styles of leadership did not take into account for every factor that influenced innovation. According to Midodzi et al, (2000), it was found that style of leadership itself could not be related to mortality of video games (Fagerberg, 2006).

Instead researchers were able to depict the fact that when companies had a related and consistent culture in organizations, their product was better. According to Cummings et al, (2000), it was further found that disregard style, leaders who made use of styles of relational and transformational perspective had proper outcomes of quality in comparison to those practicing autocracy (Flores et al., 2000). Theories of transformational and charismatic leadership: This is the third leadership theory conceptual framework development inclusive of charisma and transformation. These leadership styles indulge in elevating leader from motivators and planners to a role laying at the organization boundaries. No longer did the work of organization leader came across as a planner and manager of productivity instead it was that of a setter of vision and manager at boundary.