


本课题的研究方法是定性的。选择了14名参与者(7名来自单身男性,7名来自单身女性)进行研究。来自不同年龄但单身的人被选中提问并得到相关的结果。最高年龄是45岁,最低年龄是17岁。每个参与者被问到7个问题,这取决于他们得到的答案。研究方法是指研究目标的确定和结果的达成的方法。主要有两种研究方法方法,即定性和定量(Creswell, 2013)。在这两种方法中,选择定性研究方法论的方法进行访谈是获得更高准确性的最佳答案的最佳途径。在这种情况下,了解单身男女逃避旅游活动的原因,数据分析将涉及到有根据的理论。数据分析的结果将根据以下三种方法来决定:开放编码、轴向编码、选择性编码。



The research method for this topic is qualitative. 14 participants (7 from single men and 7 from single women) have been chosen to perform the research. People from varied ages but single are chosen to ask questions and get the relevant results. The highest age is 45 and the lowest is 17. Every participant is asked 7 questions and this depends based on the answers received. Research methodology refers to the method by which the research objectives are addressed and the results are arrived accordingly. There are two major types of research methodology approaches namely, qualitative and quantitative (Creswell, 2013). Out of these two, qualitative research methodology approach is chosen as interview is the best way by which one can gain the best answer with higher accuracy. In this case of understanding of single men and women on their reasons behind avoidance of tourism activities, the data analysis will involve grounded theories. The results of data analysis will be decided based on the following three approaches: Open coding、Axial coding、Selective coding.

Open coding – According to this approach, the data is read multiple times to identify the commonly seen data labels. For better analysis, the words directly uttered by the participants are used and listed and every code will have individual properties.Axial coding – Axial coding has a direct connection with the open coding. The codes that are identified for its common usage are identified and mingled. The relationships between the open codes are established and listed. This type of coding will perhaps help us narrow down towards objective. Selective coding – The conclusion is made in this form of coding. Selective coding collectively presents the result based on the relationship established in axial coding which, in turn, relies on open coding results. The core variable is identified and this stands as the final result. This is a very useful method for researchers in general.