


微电子技术为实现微电子芯片集成结构而发明了微技术后,这些基于光刻技术的器件也很快在压力传感器的制造中得到应用。其次是压力传感器,有气囊传感器的发展以及其他机械可动结构的设备处理流体(周,2013)。其中一些设备包括毛细管,阀门,混合器,加药装置以及泵的连接。第一系统分析LOC已气相色谱仪,其中发展是在1979年在斯坦福大学S. C. Terry。然而,仅在20世纪80年代末,有一个严重的增长,在LOC的研究已经有一定的研究小组发展流量传感器,微型泵,以及相关的概念,流体的综合治疗系统的分析(地震,2005)。这是该技术的主要动机。这些概念有助于证明在预处理的步骤中的集成,主要是在实验室规模。这些被称为是延伸的简单功能的传感器的实验室,包括分离和额外的清洁步骤的完整分析。


After the micro- technology had been invented for the realization of integrated structures of semiconductor for chips of microelectronics, these technologies based on lithography had soon been applied in the manufacturing of pressure sensor as well. Followed by the pressure sensors, there was development of sensors of airbag along with other mechanically movable structures in devices for handling the fluid (Zhou, 2013). Some of these devices include connections of capillary, valves, mixers, dosing devices as well as pumps. The first system for analysis of LOC had been a gas chromatograph, development of which was done in the year 1979 in Stanford University by S. C. Terry. However, only by the end of the years of 1980s, there was a serious growth in the research of LOC as there had been certain research groups developing flow sensors, micro- pumps, along with the concepts related to integrated treatments of fluid for the systems of analysis (Quake, 2005). This had been the main point of motivation for the technology. These concepts helped in demonstrating that integration in the steps of pre- treatment, mostly done at the scale of lab. These were known to be extending the simple functionality of sensor to the complete analysis of laboratory that include separation and additional cleaning steps.
Even though LOCs are being applied at a modest and novel rate, a growth in the interest of organizations as well as applied groups of research is evident in a number of fields for this technology. It is being applied in fields such as cellomics, medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, chemical analysis as well as synthetic chemistry (Yetisen, 2014). In addition to this, there is known to be a technique of novel droplet microfluidic device on the basis of floatage. This particular technique continuously helps to characterise the multiple responses induced by neurotoxin in the single Caenorhabditiselegans.