



特质是在更广阔的活动视野下定义领导模式的东西,例如,领导者的某些特质可能在特定环境中有用,而且当特质被识别和实现时,它会使过程变得更容易。人格特质被用来作为区分领导力和定义领导者的因素。诚信、能干、结果导向的领导者被称为具有各自领导特质的特质型领导者。对这一理论最大的批评是他们没有考虑到其他影响因素(Antonakis, Cianciolo and Sternberg, 2004)。特质论视野有限,并且考虑到它关注活动的狭隘性。扩大视野变得更为重要,因为由某一具体特征所界定的某一具体行动的影响可能并非在所有情况下都有用。


A contingent leader will be more successful in planning the events of the organisation in a way which is more appropriate with reality and closer to certainty. However, if a contingent leader is able to guide the organisation through difficult times, it is not sure whether that was the only option, but in contrast, some organisations are better placed in situations which look broadly impossible for most. For example, for a leader in the financial advisory group, the time when all others are facing the recession may be the best time for growing and gathering more clients and register profits. This is more phenomenal and the contingent leader who is only probably focused on taking the organisation through the tough times may have missed the opportunity to grow. Thus, the contingent leader is an important requirement for leaders, but being only stuck on specific characteristics will probably make the leader miss the opportunity in adversity.

Traits are something that defines the leadership patterns against a broader view of activity, such that some traits of a leader may be useful in specific settings and that it makes the process easier when the trait is identified and implemented. Personality traits are used as differentiating factors of leadership and defining leaders. Leaders with integrity, competence, and result oriented, are termed as trait leaders having the respective leadership traits. The biggest criticism of such a theory is that they do not consider other factors of influence under consideration (Antonakis, Cianciolo and Sternberg, 2004). The trait theory has a limited horizon outlook and considering the narrowness with which it focuses on activity. It becomes more essential to broaden the horizon as the impacts of a specific action defined by a specific trait may not be useful in all situations.