


本文介绍了有关嵌入式系统在中小学和高校应用的现有文献证据。介绍了大学和学院目前面临的挑战以及它们采取的应对这些挑战的方法。这对于理解如何批判性地分析案例研究,理解案例研究之间的异同,形成了一个重要的基础工作。然而,并非所有的学校或大学都是如此。树莓派基金会(Raspberry Pi)、Arduino用户社区和前卫教育机构等基金会正在帮助学生学习嵌入式系统。例如,印度的学校正在考虑投资者的解决方案。这里建立的逆变器解决方案可以帮助解决该州经常发生的停电问题。它还提供了额外的警告(Lyn 2014)。然而,这只是目前的设想。在这些设置中,学生们通过Raspberry工具包学习为现实世界中的问题编写程序,从而能够更好地处理它们。
帮助组织一起帮助学生,即使在面临挑战的情况下(Campbell et al. 2015)。例如,在Lyn提供的同一所学校中,通过剑桥团队的“节约工程”方法(Lyn 2014)将用于嵌入式系统编程的工具包借给了学校。在印度,基本资源套件的成本约为4500 INR。正是在这样的背景下,本研究试图分析和理解K12学校和大学是如何试图最大限度地、差异化地使用Raspberry Pi和Arduino的。覆盆子派是一个低成本,小型电脑。在过去,微控制器和嵌入式系统的编程需要直接汇编语言编程,而这种小型计算机的使用意味着用户可以直接使用高级编程语言。它使用标准的鼠标或键盘输入。Scratch和Python是常用的语言。


The existing literature evidence on the topic of embedded systems use in school and Universities are presented here. The current challenges faced by Universities and schools and the ways they have undertaken to handle them are presented. This forms a key base work to understanding how to critically analyze the case studies and to understand the similarities and difference in them.However, this is not the case with all schools or Universities. Foundations such as for the Raspberry Pi, communities of Arduino users and forward thinking educational institutions are helping their students learn about embedded systems. For instance, in schools in India, an investor solution was being considered. The invertor solution that was built here was one that could assist in frequent power outages that happen here in the state. It also gives additional warnings (Lyn 2014). However, this is just in ideation at the moment. In these settings, students learn to program for real world problems by means of the Raspberry kit and hence are able to handle them better.
Help organizations come together to help the students even in the context of challenges (Campbell et al. 2015). For instance, in the same school that Lyn presents, the kits for embedded systems programming were loaned to school by means of Cambridge team’s “Frugal Engineering” approach (Lyn 2014). The basic resources kit costs around 4500 INR in India. It is in this background context that the research attempts to analyze and understand how schools K12 and Universities are attempting to make maximum and differentiated use of Raspberry Pi and Arduino. The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, small sized computer. Where in the past direct Assembly level language programming would be required for programming micro controllers and embedded systems, the use of this small sized computer means the users can make use of High level programming languages directly. It uses a standard mouse or keyboard for input. Scratch and Python are commonly used languages.