
澳洲 essay 代 写:冷战导致的副作用

澳洲 essay 代 写:冷战导致的副作用

当冷战加剧时,美国对国家的殖民利益变得更加敏感。美国的论点是共产主义会引发多米诺骨牌效应,他们提出了多米诺骨牌理论。上世纪50年代,朝鲜试图入侵韩国,并接管对该国的行政控制。这导致美国和联合国帮助韩国成为一个独立的国家(Gaddis, 1972)。1953年,这场战争结束了。越南战争也是冷战的一个不幸的副作用。这是一场夺去许多生命的残酷战争(Buzan, 2008)。在这场战争中,世界上两个主要超级大国——美国和俄罗斯发生了冲突。这是由胡志明领导的北越党试图接管南越时挑起的。1969年,当50万美国领导的军队进入越南境内时,战争达到了顶峰。1975年,越南成为一个完全的共产主义国家,战争结束。

澳洲 essay 代 写:冷战导致的副作用
这场战争是一场极具争议和标志性的战争,在20年的时间里夺去了300万人的生命。美国制定了一系列政策,以确保共产主义不会蔓延到世界各地。遏制政策是当时美国总统制定的一项遏制政策。北大西洋公约组织的成立是为了制定遏制政策。林登·约翰逊是另一位积极支持遏制政策的总统。尼克松没有采取遏制政策。相反,他选择了与俄罗斯和中国合作。另一方面,吉米·卡特总统反对国内的反共言论,并向人们灌输人道主义政策。罗纳德·里根总统奉行遏制政策和威慑政策(Gaddis, 1972)。从这一点可以理解,美利坚合众国的政策在措辞上有一种矛盾的立场。这个国家反对共产主义,但他们试图与其他共产主义国家合作,或试图把其他国家视为敌人。

澳洲 essay 代 写:冷战导致的副作用

When the Cold war intensified, the United States became more sensitive to the colonial interest of the nation. It was the contention of the US that this communism would trigger a domino effect and they had proposed the domino theory. In the 1950s, North Korea tried to invade the South Korea and take over administrative control over the nation. This had led to the United States and United Nations to help South Korea to be an independent country (Gaddis, 1972). In 1953, this war had come to an end. Vietnam War was also an unfortunate side effect of the cold war. This was one of the brutal wars that had claimed many lives (Buzan, 2008). In this war, two main super powers of the world, US and Russia collided. This was instigated when the North Vietnamese party led by Ho Chi Min tried to take over South Vietnam. In 1969, the war peaked when 500000 US led military troops was inside Vietnam. In 1975, the war ended with Vietnam becoming a completely communist country.

澳洲 essay 代 写:冷战导致的副作用
This war was a very contentious and iconic war that had claimed 3 million lives over a period of 20 years. A number of policies were enacted by the United States to ensure that the communism does not spread across the world. Containment policy was one such policy enacted by the President of the United States at that time. North Atlantic Treaty Organization was set up for the enactment of the containment policy. Lyndon Johnson was another president who was an avid proponent of the containment policy. Nixon did not follow the containment policy. Instead, he chose to work with Russia and China. President Jimmy Carter on the other hand rejected anti-communism rhetoric in the nation and instilled in people the humanitarian policies. President Ronald Reagan followed containment policy and deterrence policy (Gaddis, 1972). From this, it can be understood that the policies of the United States of America had an ambivalent stand regarding the rhetoric. The nation is against communism but they have tried to work with other communist nations or tried to treat the other nation as the enemy.