


除了传播知识电视也有很多负面影响。虽然它可能有很多帮助的人在某种程度上或其他,但它也有很多负面影响人类的生活。看电视很吸引人,因为现在人们很少关注其他的信息,甚至很少和人交流。电视节目为观众创造了一个充满幻想的世界,他们沉浸其中,开始觉得这是真实的。他们往往会从中得到灵感,从而回报他们在现实生活中所展示的一切。电视节目就像权力和心理游戏等节目的观看快感但也可以作为一个主要来源,人们可以了解暴力。他们所展示的那种上流社会影响着人们购买这种产品,这也会使他们看起来很时髦。因此,他们最终购买的东西可能不是有用的。电视也有一个在我心中的负面影响,会影响我们的社会和身体健康的人。 多年来一直在电视上显示描绘暴力的数量大量增加(威廉姆斯,1992 [ 1974 ]。多年来,许多研究人员已经表明,电视暴力的图形在一定程度上加剧。这两个节目都是这样的,在这两个节目中所表现出来的图形暴力在很大程度上给人们带来了负面的影响。每当现实生活中发生的情况与现实生活中的情况有点相似时,他们的行为就和节目中所描绘的一样。有一个研究联盟称为家长电视委员会做了一项研究,发现在电视上播放的各种性暴力事件在过去几年里已经翻了一番。对暴力的图形显示在电视的数量增加了多年来的五倍。 中国甚至试图删除某些程序显示在电视与国家新闻出版广电总局,,帮助,电影和电视(广电总局)。


Apart from spreading knowledge television has a lot of negative impact also. Though it might be of a lot of help to people in some way or the other but it also has a lot of negative impact on human life. Watching Television is very attractive because of which people now focus less on other sources of information and even communicate with other people in person very rarely. Television programs create a world of fantasy for the viewers in which they get so engrossed that they start feeling that it is all for real. They tend to take inspiration from it and thus in return implements all that is shown on the programs in their real life. Television programs like the Game of Thrones and Mentalist are such programs which are a thrill to watch but can also act as a major source from where people can learn violence. The kind of high society that is shown in them influences the people to buy such products for themselves which will make them also look fashionable. Thus they end up buying stuff which might not be that useful for them. Television also has a negative influence on our minds and does influence our social and physical health of a human being. Over the years there has been an enormous increase in the quantity of shows that portray violence on TV (Williams, 1992 [1974]. Over many years, many researchers have indicated that the graphic violence on television has intensified to an extent. These two programs are such that the kind of graphic violence demonstrated in these two programs has a negative impact on the people to a great extent. Whenever a situation occurs in real life which is somewhat similar to the real life situation then they act in the same way as portrayed in the program. There is a research union known as the Parents Television Council made a research and found that various incidents of sexual violence that are being showed on television have doubled over the few years. The number of graphic violence displayed on television has increased five times over the years.  China has even made attempts to remove certain shows programmed on television with the help of State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SARFT).