


记录表明,在坚硬的岩石矿山,大约有3000000磅汞被丢失,金矿是利用邮票厂捣碎的。黄金在海上矿山和挖掘作业中得到了广泛的应用。预计10至30%年度的不幸率,一个平凡的闸门可能丢失了几百磅的汞在作业季节(Hunerlach等人)(戴维, 伊利亚, 丹尼尔& 彼得, 2014)。从砂矿开采作业中损失到地球上的黄金总量已被评估为10000000磅,其中估计为80至90%磅。(Kazmi, 2012)

黄金的使用闸门波动0.1至0.36磅每平方英尺。一个普通的水闸有几千平方英尺的区域;几百磅的汞被包括在开始启动,之后,一些额外的76磅的酒壶加入每周每月通过工作季月(大部分是6到8个月,取决于水的可获得性)。在19世纪后期,在最佳操作条件下,失去了周围的包括每年黄金10%的通道,但在正常情况下,每年的不幸是25%左右(该, 2012)。

可核实的记录表明,在硬岩矿山,大约有3000000磅的黄金被丢失,那里的金矿被利用邮票厂砸碎。汞在海上矿山和挖掘作业中得到了广泛的应用。黄金被广泛应用到含金泥沙从冲积潮平店挖年代早期。今天,水星收回作为一个项目从规模小挖金矿业务;同样,汞和黄金回收一些岩石开采作业的副作用,特别是在通过了黄金开采影响范围。了解记录金矿开采过程中汞的使用情况和命运,是进行多学科研究的主题。(Kazmi, 2012)。


Records demonstrate that around 3,000,000 lb of mercury were lost at hard rock mines, where gold mineral was pounded utilizing stamp factories. Gold was additionally utilized broadly at float mines and in digging operations. Expecting a 10- to 30-percent yearly misfortune rate, a commonplace floodgate likely lost a few hundred pounds of mercury amid the working season (Hunerlach and others) (David, Ilia, Daniel & Peter, 2014). The aggregate sum of gold lost to the earth from placer mining operations all through has been assessed at 10,000,000 lb, of which presumably 80 to 90 percent. (Kazmi, 2012)

Gold use in floodgates fluctuated from 0.1 to 0.36 lb for every square foot. An ordinary floodgate had a zone of a few thousand square feet; a few hundred lb of mercury were included amid beginning start-up, after which a few extra 76-lb flagons were added week by week to month to month all through the working season (for the most part 6 to 8 months, contingent upon water accessibility). Amid the late 1800s, under the best working conditions, conduits lost around 10 percent of the included gold for every year, yet under normal conditions, the yearly misfortune was around 25 percent (Kazmi, 2012).

Verifiable records demonstrate that around 3,000,000 lb of gold were lost at hard rock mines, where gold metal was smashed utilizing stamp factories. Mercury was additionally utilized widely at float mines and in digging operations. Gold was utilized broadly until the early 1960s in the digging of auriferous silt from alluvial surge plain stores. Today, mercury is recouped as a by-item from little scale gold-digging operations; likewise, mercury and gold are recuperated as side effects from some rock mining operations, particularly in ranges influenced by chronicled gold mining. Understanding the present appropriation and destiny of the mercury utilized within recorded gold mining operations is the subject of progressing multi-disciplinary studies. (Kazmi, 2012).