


根据Child(1985)的观点,管理层在对新技术进行投资时并没有特别关注劳动过程。这个框架是由Child在劳动过程模型中开发的,突出了员工 – 经理的取向之间的关系。 IT,微电子,软件和通信设施等都是新技术,还包括电子商务(Vatanasakdakul,2006)。管理人员通过新技术的参考和对竞争环境中的压力的​​回应,来改变他们所采用的劳动过程是合理的。 Child通常为了结合新技术而确定了四个相互关联的管理策略。这些战略是通过具有生产灵活性的系统直接消除劳动力,将雇员作为个体承包商进行重新铸造,在工作时间给予他们适当金额的合同,解除工作的传统划分,其中执行多种工作职能导致扩大技能的传统界限,从而导致技能和技能的下降,以及从员工身上消除技能和控制。


儿童所描述的大多数趋势都是银行业特有的(Efendioglu et al 2004)。在这里可以引用一个例子,在过去的十年中,中国的银行通过关闭分支机构大幅实行员工裁员,并通过裁员降低员工水平,提前退休和自然减员。传统上,大多数银行业职位已经完全减少,例如秘书,出纳员,打字员或簿记员,或者通过ATM取代(Scupola 2003)。在不同的银行层面,员工将受到电子商务演变的独特影响。在中国银行业就业层次上,中等和下降的消除直接劳动力的战略集中度最为明显。


Disadvantages of E-commerce to HRM in traditional Chinese banks
According to Child (1985), management does not have a specific focus on the processes of labour when new technology investment is made by them. This framework was developed by Child in a model of labour process highlighting relations between employee-manager orientations. IT, micro-electronics, facilities of software and communicating facilities are all new technologies and further include e-commerce (Vatanasakdakul 2006). Changes are justified by managers to the process of labour adopted by them through new technologies reference and as a reply to pressure in competitive environment. Four interrelated management strategies were identified by Child typically for incorporating new technologies. These strategies constitute direct labour elimination through systems with production flexibility, contracts wherein re-casting employees as individual contractors is done and payment of agreeable amount is given to them for their time at work, traditional demarcations of job being dissolved wherein multiple job functions are performed leading to extending traditional boundaries of skill and hence being de-skilled along with job degradation wherein skills and control is eliminated from employees.


Most of the trends illustrated by Child are specifically present in the sector of banking (Efendioglu et al 2004). An example can be quoted here, throughout the past 10 years Chinese banks have considerably practised employees downsizing through branches being closed and also by decreasing the levels of staff by redundancies, retiring early and attrition naturally. Most banking jobs traditionally have decreased completely such as secretaries, tellers, typists or bookkeepers or replacement through ATMs (Scupola 2003). At different bank levels, employees will be influenced in a distinct manner by evolution of e-commerce. The strategy of eliminating direct labour has a concentration mostly evident in the employment hierarchy of banking sector in China with regard to middle and down levels.