

本篇澳洲代写-买方与供应商之间的关系发展,买方与供应商之间的关系对于管理是非常重要的。价值链、外包和采购是买方与供应商之间关系的重要组成部分。买家和供应商之间的关系越来越关注过去几十年发生的变化。在全球竞争日益激烈的时代,管理长期的买方供应商的联系日益受到关注,因为这些关系的管理对双方都有回报(Burf, 2009)。买方可以增强他们的全球竞争力,并保护公司想要的外部资源。接下来有关澳洲代写-买方与供应商之间的关系分析如下:

The buyer-supplier relation is very importance for the management. Value Chains, Outsourcing, and Procurement are the main important parts in the buyer-supplier relation. The relationships between the buyers and suppliers have been an increasing focus on the changes that have occurred during the last decades. In an era of rising global rivalry, there is a growing attention in managing long-term buyer-supplier contacts as the management of these relationships has payback for both parties (Burf, 2009). The buyer can reinforce their global competitiveness and protect the access to outside resources that the company wants.

n arrive at higher proceeds by maintaining long-term affairs. In general, the buyers and suppliers stress the significance of secure relationships, where it is potential to achieve profits in the form of lowered costs or enhanced profits. Here, Value Chains, Outsourcing, and Procurement are very much compact with the buyer-supplier relationship. The value chain is one of the main parts of this management where the entire series of activities produce and put up value at every step. The value chain thought takes apart functional activities from the inefficient activities. The company can get many advantages from this value creating activity. The entire value delivered by the company is the total of the value built up all throughout the company.

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