

任何一个选择自己创业而不是在组织中作为雇员工作的人都被称为企业家。企业家被认为是企业经营的创新者和领导者,对任何企业风险承担责任,并为提高盈利能力做出必要的努力。这篇文章讨论了企业家精神及其与小企业主的区别。通过对各种理论基础和现有文献的回顾,强调了创业自我效能感的构建。通过评估企业家自我效能感对企业家绩效的影响,这一点得到了进一步的延续。此外,还讨论了创业模式及其概念在社会认知理论中的应用。在一个创业的场景中,作为一个企业家常常会与一个小型企业的所有者相混淆,这些术语可以互换使用(Shane and Collins, 2003)。然而,他们的不同之处在于:企业家不断推动创新,而且往往技术先进,不像小企业主坚持企业的计划,只着眼于日常运营(Estrin, Korosteleva和Mickiewicz, 2013)。企业家总是时刻准备着抓住下一个大机会,随时准备挑战自己的能力,而小企业主往往满足于微薄的收入,往往诉诸于经过计算的决策或风险。接下来有关澳洲代写-自我效能感的创业模式分析如下:

Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy (ESE) can be defined as the strength or capability of an individual to perform the tasks and roles of an entrepreneur. The review of the literature suggests that there are two inter related course of entrepreneurship which analyse the purpose of self-efficacy. The first aspect is concerned with the function of self-efficacy in the start-up process of a business (Baron, 2004). The literature suggests that the level of self-efficacy varies from different groups of individuals such as successful and not so successful entrepreneurs (Markman and Baron, 2003), female and male entrepreneurs and inventors and technologically advanced entrepreneurs (Scherer, Adams, Carley and Wiebe, 1989). Few of the study conducted on assessing the impact of self-efficacy propose that it is a significant contributor in determining the intensity of an idea of an entrepreneur and its purpose. This purpose should reflect in actualisation of the idea. Another relevant study suggested that the strength of self-efficacy determines the likeliness of any start-up business activity at an increased pace. The above mentioned result can be summarized to conclude that individuals who possess a higher level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy as a result also have a higher level of actionable intention to actualize the idea.
Another stream of research analyses effects of self-efficacy based on gender. It was clearly supported that males are rated higher when it comes to recognizing self-efficacy as compared to females (Wilson and Marlino, 2007). Another result from an empirical study asserted that there is a strong relation between entrepreneur education and self-efficacy belief development, which was found to be strong in case of women. Further to this, it can be said that the commitment of an entrepreneur to a new business venture is moderated by its business environment (Tang, 2009). Self-efficacy is one aspect of the entrepreneurship but it varies from individual to individual on the basis of orientations in their role, personality traits and even the regional setting of the business.

There is an extensive theoretical research which lays foundation for predicting the performance of entrepreneurs and suggests that ESE has a positive impact on their performance as it leads to success in specific tasks (Estrin, Korosteleva and Mickiewicz, 2013). Entrepreneurs possessing ESE believe in their potential and are able to withstand challenging targets or long term goals which in turn helps them in improving their performance. Based on the synthesis of literature reviewed above, self-efficacy needs to be looked at from a multi-dimensional aspect in order to distinctively define efficacy in tasks and self-efficacy in outcomes, as this is not well integrated with the conception of self-efficacy in entrepreneurship.

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