


在投機泡沫的背景下,存在著向買家提供槓桿的過度許可,以產生不可持續的供求水平,或者在整個低迷的市場中,相反,有效需求遠遠低於國家的生產能力。要真正反映出均衡之外的有效社會治理,市場價格應該反映的是實際的社會成本,即服務和商品對社會的整體估值的因素。此外,需求應在不利用貸款人或借款人不當的融資槓桿的情況下對可持續需求進行反思(Argyrous和Stilwell, 2011)。這些因素包括短期需求和長期需求。然而,市場參與者並沒有在市場價格中決定什麼是收益和成本。


相反,這些成本和收益的決定可以由政府決定,通常也可以由立法機關決定。馬克思認為資本主義是一種特定於歷史的生產方式。因此,這涉及到生產財產在所有權和控制下的方式,並結合個人之間的社會關係,根據他們與開始生產的整個過程的聯繫(Barber, 1967)。按照亞當·斯密的觀點,馬克思主義有助於區分使用商品的價值和市場內的交換價值。根據馬克思主義的經濟理論,通過購買商品來創造資本,目的是創造新的商品,其交換價值超過實際購買總額(Beaud, 1984)。


In context with speculative bubbles, there are excessive permits of leveraging provided to buyers for the generation of unsustainable levels of supply or demand, or, across depressed markets, on the contrary in which effective demand is far below the capacity of nation for production. For actually reflecting effective social governance out of equilibrium, prices of market should be reflecting the actual social costs that mean factors for the valuation of services and goods to society on the whole. In addition, demand should provide reflection on the sustainable demand without utilizing undue leverage of finance by the lender or the borrower (Argyrous and Stilwell, 2011). These are inclusive of factors in the short term demands and long term demands. However, market actors do not play the role of decision what benefits and costs should be included within the price of market.

Rather, those decisions of cost and benefit can be shaped by government, and typically, by the involvement of legislatures. Marx showed consideration of capitalism for being a mode of production that is specific to history. Thus, this involves the ways in which property of production is under ownership and control, in combination with the corresponding relations of society between individuals on the basis of their connection with the overall process to initiate production (Barber, 1967). Following the perspective of Adam Smith, Marxism helps in distinguishing the value of using commodity from the value of exchange within the market. As per the Marxist theory of economy, there is creation of capital by purchasing commodities with the purpose to create new commodities with a value of exchange more than the total of actual purchases (Beaud, 1984).