

此外,上帝也被描述為聖靈,它居住在聖父、聖子和聖靈本身。這表明上帝是宇宙靈魂的本質,它無處不在,也存在於人和他的兒子之中,因為是宇宙靈魂創造了地球上的所有生靈。在這裡,父親與耶穌有關,他如何創造了世界,被視為聖靈,擁有創造世界的能力,並用這些能力維持世界(Bible.org, 2015)。聖父、聖子、聖靈,這三樣,都是知道的,且常在各處,直到永遠。這再次將上帝描述為存在於每個人身上的靈魂,並在所有人身上顯現出來。這個三位一體形成了對宗教的強烈信仰,人們相信,否認這個三位一體的人就會否認基督教的宗教。這個三位一體被認為是在一個神裡面的三個不同的人格,擁有無限的屬性,而不是三個不同的神一起被讚美。上帝被定義為三位一體是因為它也與自然和我們生活的世界的三位一體有關,考慮到時間、空間和物質。
時間、空間、物質這三要素構成了我們世界的三位一體,這也與上帝的三位一體不謀而合。雖然三位一體以不同的形式被崇拜,但據說上帝是一體的,並且擁有這三種屬性。上帝被認為是不同於人類的,因為它是支持人類的力量,而不是其中之一。上帝在本質上是不同的,與人類的本質不同,具有不同的屬性。人類有局限性,上帝沒有。因此,上帝創造了人類,所以它永遠不可能與人類相似,因為它是整個宇宙的創造者。永恆的真理、愛和恩典是人類想要理解的上帝人格的典型(Forni, 1995)。愛是永恆的、無條件的、無盡的。恩典總是存在的,但人類並沒有讓自己得到它,所以他們一直遠離恩典。


In addition, God is also described as the Holy Spirit and that it resides in the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit itself. This indicates that God is of the nature of a universal soul which is everywhere and also present in man and his son, because it is the universal soul that has created all beings on earth. Here the Father is being related to Jesus and how he created the world and is regarded as the Holy Spirit and having the powers to create the world and sustain it with those powers (Bible.org, 2015). All these three, the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit are all knowing and present everywhere and forever. This describes God again as a soul which is present in each human and that it is manifested in all humans. This trinity is the one which forms a strong belief of the religion and it is believed that those who deny this trinity will deny the religion of Christianity. This trinity is being held as three different personalities within one single God having infinite attributes and not three different Gods that are to be praised together. That God is defined as a trinity is because it also relates to the trinity of nature and the world we live in, considering the time, the space, and the matter.
These three elements, time, space and matter are the ones which form the trinity nature of our world and this also coincides with the trinity nature of what is God. Though the trinity is worshipped in different forms, it is said that the God is one and has all these three attributes within it. God is considered to be different from humankind as it is the force which supports humankind and not one of them. God is different in nature and is not of the same nature as humans, and has different attributes. Humans have limitations to be defined, but God has none. Thus, God creates humans, so it can never be similar to humans because it is the creator of the entire universe. Eternal truth, love and grace typify God’s personality of humans want to understand the same (Forni, 1995). Love is eternal and unconditional and endless. Grace is always present, but humans have not made themselves available to it so they have remained away from grace.