


Triangulation is the use of one or more processes in order to reduce bias. Triangulation is used in the study by means of utilizing both primary data collection techniques of survey questionnaire and also the interview method. The forms of bias that are reduced are:
Measurement bias: Measurement bias is reduced in the form of collecting data through different research methods. Participants in the interview method will be given open ended questions where they would not tend to conform within the measurement restricted area of the closed ended questions of the survey.
Sampling Bias: Sampling bias is reduced here because the use of the interview method (convenience sampling) would have exposed only a certain segment of population. On the other hand, the use of the survey questionnaire method with random sampling in a network of people who researcher had access to and also by advertising with the help of service providers on the site, a non-bias sample was hence created.
Procedural Bias: Procedural bias occurs when participants are put under some kind of pressure to provide information. For example, doing “vox pop” style interrupt polls might catch the participants unaware and thus affect their answers. Similarly, an online exit survey might make the participant rush their answers to finish the survey quickly. Triangulation allows us to combine short engagements with longer engagements where participants have more time to give considered responses.
The interviews were conducted with 5 participants of which 4 were selected from the participant pool used for the survey questionnaire and one of them was a services advertiser on Airbnb. The questions asked with the themes of the answers are presented below.
Airbnb is a business services organization. It is basically a website where consumers would find their needs for rent, lodging and more. Businesses list on the website and consumers are directly connected to these businesses instead of having to go through a tour booking place, a realtor etc. Airbnb was started in 2008 and when it was started it was launched in a rather extensive way, which is an advantage for a web business more than any other. It connected to more than a hundred and ninety countries now (Guttentag, 2015; Tanz, 2014). While Airbnb has many kinds of services, the particular service that is considered here is that of the cruise service providers. In analysis of understanding the participants and their responses to the cruise, the demographics of the participants, nationality and ethnicity were first collected.

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