


本研究旨在分析影响一线员工服务质量的因素。这里开始文献回顾之前的假设是前线员工的挑战虽然可能与一般员工有重叠的挑战,但也会有一些独特的挑战(Bowen&Lawler,2006)。一个组织的公众面临着一些影响其一线员工的独特因素,文献综述将分析现有文献研究这些独特因素如何运作。影响工人服务质量的因素,影响工作场所的熟练程度,影响消费者如何看待组织的因素等(Karatepe,&Kilic,2007)。除了讨论影响一线员工的因素的重要性之外,文献综述还试图介绍管理方法如何帮助缓解这些因素。大多数学术调查都集中在生产力,熟练度角度。只有一些研究人员,比如Brodie等人(2011),主张以多学科的方法来理解这个问题,心理学,社会学等等都应该被纳入其中。这篇文献综述将侧重于生产率 – 效率的角度,以及提高一线员工服务质量的心理学角度。


The research is conducted with the aim of analysing the factors that affect frontline employee’s service quality. Here the assumption made before commencing the literature review was that front line employee challenges although it might have overlapping challenges with general employees, would also have some unique challenges (Bowen, & Lawler, 2006). The public face of an organization faces some unique factors affecting their front line staff and the literature review will analyse existing literature studies on how these unique factors operate. The factors affect the worker service quality, it affects their proficiency in the workplace, affects how consumers might view the organization, and more (Karatepe, & Kilic, 2007). In addition to discussing the significance of the factors affecting front line staff, the literature review also attempts to present how management approaches can help mitigate these factors. Most academic investigations have focused on the issue from the productivity, proficiency angle. Only some researchers, such as Brodie et al (2011), advocate for understanding this issue in a multidisciplinary approach, where psychology, sociology and more should be brought into context. This literature review will focus on both the productivity –proficiency angle, as well as the psychographic angle of improving service quality of the frontline employee.
Services Quality
Hoffman and Bateson (2010) rightly explain the service quality as an attitude. This attitude is formed through the reputation of the firm and the long term associations such reputations will enable the company to create with its customers. A well reputed company will have better products, and hence a high quality of association with its customers (Vargo, & Lusch, 2004). The association will also be long term and this will enable the company to be productive and sustainable. Service quality hence plays a major role and affects the company overtime. Goods quality is very easy to judge by the package, label, style and etc (Malhotra, 2004). However the service quality is difficult to explain and measure because it is intangible and this hence necessitates that frontline staff require adequate training and management to meet the service quality requirements and changes in demands.