


人力资源管理(Human Resource Management,HRM)通常被视为员工绩效评估的核心,并根据员工的优势和弱点提供适当的责任分配。有动力的员工将更有效地工作,并可能在相同的工作时间内产生更多的利润。这是一个众所周知的事实,人力资源管理团队必须确保所有员工都有合适的动机,并期待高于平均水平的表现。本文研究了有效的人力资源管理实践在员工激励中的作用,以及不同的组织如何利用这些实践来获得利益。

研究的数量认为,人力资源管理实践与员工绩效之间存在着直接的正相关关系(Combs et.al,2006)。近来,人力资源管理实践的重点转向以员工为中心的结果,而不仅仅是为了提高组织绩效(Boxall and Macky,2009)。员工激励被认为是一个组织成功的重要贡献者,并被认为是人力资源管理实践中的重要组成部分。



Human Resource Management (HRM) is often recognised the backbone of employee performance assessment and providing proper allocation of responsibilities depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the workforce. Motivated employees will work more effectively and probably produce more profitable result in the same amount of work time. This is a known fact and the HRM team must ensure proper motivation to all employees of it needs and expects more than average performance. This paper researches the role of effective HRM practices in employee motivation and how different organisations use it for their benefits.

Role of HRM practices in employee motivation
Number of research has concluded that there is a direct and positive relation between HRM practices and employee performance (Combs et.al, 2006). There has been a recent shift to focus the HRM practices on employee centred outcomes and not just to improve organisational performance (Boxall and Macky, 2009). Employee motivation is considered as a significant contributor to the success of an organisation, and it has been regarded as an important division in the HRM practices.

Create a caring workplace: If the workplace is positive and each employee cares for the other, the environment is vibrant and will most often retain all employees. When employees are motivated genuinely, they will feel cared and will strive more to produce better results.
Promote from within: When the time is right and employees are ready, they need to be promoted to higher levels to give them opportunities to grow. This is again an important factor which retains employees.