


乔布斯因为对android技术的发展态度而受到Rayne的批评。 Rayne还表示,单一技术无法一次又一次地发展。这是因为每次都无法创造出新技术。新鲜产品的开发有多种不同的时期,并且持续增强和提升(Streeter,2012)。这些产品及其优势取决于之前开发的产品数量,而产品的进步仅仅是以前开发的产品的增加。 Rayne也重视了这样一个事实,即苹果公司根本不存在的情况下,以前的技术还没有发明。他称史蒂夫乔布斯为一个相信只有他是以伟大的理念发展的人。

只是苹果使用了之前给出的想法,并且以一种看起来比其他人更有吸引力的方式执行它。史蒂夫约伯不是一个伟大的人。有很多人和他之前的公司,他们开发了包含类似想法的产品。他并不反对史蒂夫乔布斯不是一个好人(Kaliannan&Ponnusamy,2014)。他当然是伟大的,他的伟大不容质疑。然而,Apple或Steve Job并不是世界上唯一发生的伟大事情。多年来的世界见证了这样一些伟大的人才,他们导致了世界上无人能够想到的技术的发展。


Steve Jobs was criticized by Rayne because of his attitude towards the development of the android technology. Rayne also said that a single technology cannot be developed over and over again. This is because it is not possible to create a fresh technology every time. There are various times when the fresh products have been developed and there is continuous enhancement and advancement for the same (Streeter, 2012). The products and its greatness depend on the number of products which has been developed in the previous times and the advancements in the products are just a mere addition to something which has been previously developed. Rayne has also given importance to the fact that Apple could not have existed at all in case the previous technologies have not been invented. He called Steve Jobs as a person who believed that only he is the person who developed with the ideas related to greatness.

It is just that the Apple used the ideas which was given previously and executed it in such a way that it appeared far more attractive than the others. It was not Steve Job who was a great person. There were a number of people and the companies before him, who had developed the products incorporating similar kind of ideas. He is not against the fact that Steve Jobs was not a great person (Kaliannan & Ponnusamy, 2014). He certainly was great and his greatness cannot be questioned upon. However, it is also true that Apple or Steve Job was not the only great thing that happened to the world. The world over the years has witnessed such great people who have led to the development of the technologies, which no man in the world could even wonder about.