


字面上的后现代主义意味着它是现代主义之后的时代。后现代主义实际上是一个不同定义的潘多拉盒子。实际上把后现代主义的概念封闭起来是非常困难的。对象的象征有许多定义,取决于个人的世界观。传统主义者对这种后现代观念给社会规范带来的意识形态变化也普遍感到不适。 ESP。青年人挑战社会的方式。

“对青年风格和时尚的后现代叙述可以作出的批评是,在他们试图解构早期的结构主义者时,他们同时把风格的概念解释为一种集体的感性”(Bennet 2005,p.103)

例如,如果一个女人在穿衣服时漏出很多皮肤,那么她被认为是一个不值得尊敬的人,但是在这个后现代主义时代,它可以用来代表女性的勇气,她试图打破和表达她的陈词滥调个人主义。 (Oatley,2011)在后现代主义中,有些因素被描述为并不十分明显。根据自己的智力和世界观,个人能够找到很多隐含的含义。

“服装的选择部分就是表达自己的身份。然而,简单地把服装的选择看作是一种表达,在某种程度上,认同是一种处理一个复杂的身份形成问题的过于简单的方法“(Kratz 1998,p.194)



Post modernism literally means it is the era after the modernism. Post modernism is actually a Pandora box of different definition. It is very difficult to actually box the concept of post modernism. The symbolization of an object has many definitions that depend on the individual’s worldview.  There is also a general discomfort by the traditionalists for the changes in ideologies that this postmodern view brings into the societal norms. Esp. the youth challenge the way in which society is conformed.

“ A criticism that can be made of such post modern accounts of youth style and fashion is that in their attempts to deconstruct earlier structuralists account they simultaneously deconstruct the notion of style as a collective sensibility” (Bennet 2005, p. 103)

For example if a women showed a lot of skin in her clothing she was attributed as someone who is not respectable however in this post modernism era it can be used to represent boldness of a women, the clichés that she is trying to break and express her individualism. (Oatley 2011) In a postmodernism there are factors that are depicted that is not very apparent to the eye. There are a lot of hidden meanings that the individuals are able to find depending on their intellect and worldview.

“The choice of clothes is thus partly about expressing one’s identity. However to simply view the choice of clothes as an expression of ones identity is to a certain extent a too simple way of dealing with a complex question of identity formation” (Kratz 1998, p.194)

As clearly elucidated by Kratz it is apparent that the clothing of a person is used to denote a certain ideology and identity however in the post modern view it is not limited only to the attire of a person. The expression of gender in the form of fashion and clothing is one way of showcasing it. However there is a lot more attributes that go into defining the gender identity of a person.