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Academic Management:

Internal source will be the records of employees (Clements, 2008): This includes the knowledge possessed by employees that are in accordance with the system of examination.

External source will be inclusive of external information of enrolling students from the database directory (Clements, 2008). These include official websites related to the authorities of qualifications like the web platform of NZQA. These web sites are maintained and kept up to data by the authorities in a significant manner

Human Resource

Internal Information source will be annual Reports of the company: These help in providing an overview of the overall performances of employees, this type of information contribute in providing the organization an insight with respect to the capability and ability of employees. This helps in providing scope for making internal adjustments.

External Information source can be competitors’ websites over the web: This helps in providing references for the business organization with respect to recruitment and many more.

Finance related Information Sources: can be obtained from (Protheroe, 2011):

Internal source will be from accounting records which are the main internal information source. These records will detail business transactions done previously and can be used as a base to make new plans.

External Source of financial information available to the finance manager are inclusive of sources related to the manner in which business needs to function its operations such as gaining information from taxation system related websites to have knowledge on VAT, Corporation Tax, student tax etc.