


The poor and the unequal segment of the society feel the marginalised pressure when they interact with the rich and powerful. They also feel that the stigma holds them back and theirdaily fight with the diminishing self-esteem even leads some to take up violence against the rich and powerful (Salverda, 2014). This anger among the disadvantaged is growing with massive social movements like ‘Occupy Wall Street’ and others across the globe depending on the nature and extent of the issue in the region. These movements call for a collectivist approach among all those who feel the pressure of capitalism. The movements also feel the unnecessary advantage of the rich getting richer and the poor and middle class remaining where they are to a large extent (Kiesbye, 2013). The Global Justice Movement is another such movement where people are coming together to press the governments for forming a justice based governance system instead of capitalism and economic gains based. These movements offer much more evidence of the negative and the far deeper impacts of capitalism. Additionally, such movements also shows evidence about the increasing disparity between the rich and poor leading to a strong unity among the poor victims of globalisation and capitalism.

The theories of approach such as the conflict theory, postmodernist theory, labour market theory, and the functionalist theory are approaches which present their own way of describing the existence of poverty and inequality in societies. The theories are similar in their approaches to describe the proper definition of poverty and inequality. All these theories consider social stratification to be the primary reason of the existence and persistent continuation of poverty and inequality. The theories are similar in many aspects when the disparity of resource distribution is considered to be contributing to poverty and inequality. They are also similar when they consider the rich and powerful using advantageous situation of possessing capital and power to suppress the poor and keeping poverty and inequality alive and thriving. The debate shall continue until there is some solid foundation laid for the eradication of poverty and inequality among nations. The rich and powerful should give away their capitalistic desires and support the elimination of poverty in their own countries and regions and instead find a system of equitable distribution of wealth and opportunity.

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