

澳洲代写价格-英国广播公司(BBC)节目的科学价值,英国广播公司(BBC)试图迎合那些想要在字面上体验科学的观众,也迎合那些想要更浪漫的版本的观众,比如以科学为主题的系列或戏剧。比如科幻作品《神探夏洛克》中所呈现的科学等主题。该剧以维多利亚时代为背景,讲述了由亚瑟·柯南·道尔爵士创作的侦探故事。BBC想找出那些对科幻小说和科学都感兴趣的人。另一部分是那些直接对科学感兴趣的人,他们希望BBC提供的服务中包含科学(Chmielewski, 2015)。因此,BBC使用智能分析来理解一个节目的科学价值,以及它如何吸引观众。BBC在其细分市场中迎合了观众的需求,为他们提供科学的信息。科学既被视为一个独立的学科,也被认为是现有学科的一部分。接下来有关澳洲代写价格-英国广播公司(BBC)节目的科学价值分享给留学生阅读。

BBC in its segmentations caters to monitor and provide science in its audience offerings. Science is both treated as a separate discipline and is also considered as a part of the existing discipline. For instance, science in the context of the ‘Leisure and Lifestyle’ segment is one where science and the environment issues are presented (BBC Advertising, 2015). Science and technological developments are framed from both the constructive and the destructive angle. In terms of science and technology, similar mappings are found in the case of sports and more (BBC Advertising, 2015). BBC tries to cater to those audiences who want the science experience in its literality and also to those who wants to get attuned to the more romantic version of it, as in presented as a series or a drama on a science topic. For instance, considering science and other topics as presented in the case of the fiction work “Sherlock”. It debuted as being set in Victorian times, following on the detective created by Sir Arthur Conon Doyle. BBC wanted to find out similar segments who would be interested in fiction and science mixed alike. The other segment is those who are directly interested in science and want to be served BBC offerings with science in it (Chmielewski, 2015).

For this purpose, hence BBC hence makes use of intelligent analytics to understand the science value of a show and how it might appeal to audience. For instance, for a show such as “Sherlock”, the highest demand was noticed in countries such as China, Germany, India and also Singapore. In a similar way, a data driven approach was also used in the context of other shows such as Doctor Who. In this show alien time travelers who move in space and time forms the core of the show (Chmielewski, 2015). While launching initially the team was highly skeptical, but yet by means of data analytics used was able to predict that the show would be successful. In the book titled “Communicating climate Science”, BBC states that “the BBC does not measure or monitor our audience’s level of knowledge about climate change. This would not fall within the BBCs remit and would, in any case be extremely difficult to quantify. […] We do however measure our audience’s interest in certain subjects including science. For example, we know that 69% of UK adults are interested in science news, and 68% of UK adults think it is important that they personally understand science news” (Miller, 2014, pp.226). Therefore, BBCs monitoring is done to cater to the preferences of the people and to create a perfect bourgeois sphere driven by science.

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