

在有预谋的阶段建立品牌的责任可能以某种方式 – 无疑在主要部分 – 有收入管理。但是,这一核心战略行为不是发生在一个虚空中。收入管理者应该在制定和应用YM方法时有力地统一企业的各个方面(Capiez,A.和Kaya,A.2004)。在酒店业务中,收益管理与营销和销售相结合,尤其是计划和繁荣计划的根源。
实施先进的技术和其他可以获得的工具,RM可以提供数据调查和指导,以制定和指导在销售和营销领域切实可行的战略路径(Larsen,吨1988年)。市场营销,销售和RM应共同努力,以警惕计划和应用,并跟踪绩效,并根据需要相应修改计划(Kimes,S.E. 2003)。战略上,这些活动应该在从病毒式推广到有针对性的客户营销的项目上相互实施。虽然YM不强制实施营销活动,但其对营销的影响是值得注意的。

Accountability for building the brand at a premeditated stage might rest in some way – undoubtedly in major segment– with revenue management. However, this core strategic doings doesn’t happen in a void. Revenue managers should powerfully unify with every aspect of the business while making and applying YM approaches (Capiez, A. and Kaya, A. 2004). In the hotel business, yield management’s incorporation with marketing and sales, especially, is at the root of a planned and thriving program.
Implementing advanced technology and other accessible tools, RM can offer the data investigation and direction to make and guide practicable strategic path in the sales and marketing fields (Larsen, T. 1988). Marketing, sales and RM should work collectively to plan and apply it vigilantly as well as tracking performance and accordingly modifying plans as needed (Kimes, S.E. 2003). Strategically, the activities should implement mutually on projects that can vary from viral promotion to targeted customers marketing. Though YM doesn’t force the implementation of marketing operations, its impact on marketing is noteworthy.
Operations and Finance
Though the requirement for strategic incorporation with marketing and sales might be apparent, it might not continually be that means in terms of executions (Smith, B.C. et. al.1992). However, while operations shares in the perception of revenue management policy, those segments and hotel staff can more unswervingly link to how their service and product unswervingly impacts on the hotel’s status in the industry. Higher participation and understanding predictably accelerates taking a more interest in the operation within reach. A precise image of the hotel’s demand, supply and ROIs over the long period even will enable operational segments to improve, more tactical choices of their own.